CUC Communications

The CUC’s communications platform seeks to highlight issues and events of regional and national interest. Read the CUC eNews to find out what the CUC’s board and staff have been up to lately, get the latest social justice news, and learn what’s coming up in your area.

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CUC eNews

The Canadian Unitarian Council’s eNews is the digital monthly newsletter of the CUC, connecting and informing Canada’s Unitarian Universalists.

Subscribe to the eNews.


February: February 19
January: January 15


December: December 11
November: November 20
October: October 23
September: September 18

August: August 21
June: June 19
May: May 29
April: April 1, April 17
March: March 20
February: February 21
January: January 23


December: December 12
November: November 21
October: October 17
September: September 19
August: August 15
June: June 20
May: May 25
April: April 1, April 18
March: March 22

February: February 22
January: January 17


December: December 13
November: November 15
October: October 18
September: September 20
August: August 16
June: June 21
May: May 18
April: April 1, April 19
March: March 22
February: February 22
January: January 20


December: December 15
August: August 24
June: June 22
May: May 25
April: April 20
March: March 16
February: February 16
January: January 19


DecemberDecember 15
November:  November 10, November 24 
October: October 13, October 27
September: September 15, September 30
August: August 11, August 25
July: July 21
June: June 11, June 23
May: May 5, May 29
April: April 8, April 21
March: March 10, March 26
February: February 14, February 25
January: January 14, January 28


December: December 18
November: November 12, November 26
October: October 1, October 24
September: September 4, September 17
August: August 27
June: June 4, June 11. June 18, June 26
May: May 7, May 14, May 22, May 28
April: April 1, April 2, April 9, April 16, April 23, April 30

March: March 5, March 12, March 19, March 26
February: February 5, February 12, February 19, February 26
January: January 1, January 8, January 15, January 22, January 29


Issues: May 2018 (pdf), June 2018 (pdf), July 2018 (pdf), August 2018 (pdf), September 2018 (pdf), October 2018 (pdf), November 2018 (pdf), December 2018 (pdf)

The Canadian Unitarian

The Canadian Unitarian, popularly known as CanU, was the national newsletter of the CUC.  It is no longer published.

Submissions and Writing Opportunities

Who writes for the CUC? Maybe you!

The eNews accepts unsolicited submissions of articles and news items. If you have a story or an upcoming event that is of regional or national interest, please send it to the eNews at The deadline for submissions to the eNews is the 14th of the month prior to the issue date (e.g., the deadline for the February issue is January 14).

When submitting a news item, please affirm that all of those mentioned in the article have seen and approved it, including the president and minister of the congregation when the item is about congregational news. You are encouraged to provide web links and contact addresses for those who wish further information. Items may be edited for brevity, and those published in the electronic version of CanU may also be included in the print version.

Most assignments also require obtaining a high-resolution photo, and an edited or adapted article must be approved by its original author and subject. Deadlines and expectations for all assignments, including any reimbursement of expenses, are agreed to in advance.

To be considered for these assignments, contact the editor of the eNews, Brigitte Twomey, at Please describe your interests and experience, and include writing samples.