Delegate Information for Congregations
Who May Vote at CUC Annual General Meetings
In accordance with CUC bylaw 3.1, each member congregation is entitled to be represented by delegates at the CUC’s AGMs. The number of delegates for each congregation is in proportion to the total number of members for that congregation – see Representation below. Delegates have to be authorized by their congregation’s board and registered in order to vote.
Congregations are encouraged to provide opportunities for a wide range of their members to become delegates so that as many as possible become familiar with Unitarian Universalist work at a national level. With CUC AGMs being accessible online, there is no cost for delegates to participate.
Unitarian Universalist communities which are not member congregations have the opportunity to speak at CUC AGMs, in accordance with CUC bylaw 3.9.1:
- 3.9.1. The voting delegates of member congregations, members of the Board, the Executive Director or designate, the official representatives of Affiliates, Ministers in good standing with the Unitarian Universalist Ministers of Canada, staff, public accountant.
- 3.9.2. Non-delegate members of member congregations may speak at the pleasure of the Chair.
Delegate Selection
In accordance with the Active Democracy Study Group resolutions approved in 2013, congregational delegates will be asked to serve one to two year terms, and there would be the expectation of ongoing communication between the delegates and the CUC Board and staff during those years, and that there be suggested roles for the delegates to play in their congregations during those years.
The CUC’s AGM are accessible electronically, and congregations are encouraged to select their on-line and in-person delegates early. Plan to schedule at least one discussion and information sharing session in February each year with their delegates and congregational members so that all are aware of matters going to the CUC AGM.
To assist with the delegate selection process, here are some suggestions (with thanks to the Unitarian Congregation of Niagara for sharing their process):
- Congregations are encouraged to budget for delegate expenses to the CUC AGM (when these are held in-person every other year in conjunction with the National Conference) to make this more financially accessible for those interested in associational matters.
- To provide some continuity of experience, the delegate terms should be staggered, eg, one or some delegates serving for one year, and the other one or more serving for two years. Subsequently, each year a new delegate or delegates would be chosen to serve for two years.
- Selection of delegates needs to be fair and democratic, and beneficial to the congregation in the immediate and longer term. Those interested in being delegates can be asked to submit expressions of interest to the congregation’s board, with some of the following suggested criteria:
- Demonstration of a keen interest in and familiarity with congregational and associational matters;
- Willingness to become familiar with proposed resolutions for the CUC AGM, other matters pertaining to the AGM, and Annual Meeting Rules of Procedure;
- Ability to facilitate discussion with congregation about matters for the CUC AGM;
- Preparation to report to the congregational membership on the status of resolutions, the CUC’s financial situation, and other matters of interest and relevance;
- Previous/current involvement with congregational and/or CUC;
- Ability to travel and attend the resolutions plenary and CUC AGM, when these are held in-person
- For those delegates participating online, a high comfort level with using the computer, internet and online technology is necessary. A laptop or desktop with web camera, microphone and speakers is also needed
Preparation for the Annual General Meeting: What Congregational Leaders and Delegates Need to Know
- Delegate Registration: Delegates need to be registered by April 1st annually.
- Delegates who are participating in-person need to bring the Delegate Certification Form (coming soon) to the AGM site in order to receive their voting cards.
- Sign up for the delegates’ email group to stay informed and discuss upcoming resolutions with other delegates and congregational leaders. Contact to sign up for this email group.
- Annual Meeting Rules of Procedure: Familiarity with the Rules will help with the smooth running of and participation in the AGM. The CUC uses Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.
- CUC Resolutions Process: The CUC uses one process for all motions proposed for the AGM. Knowledge of this process will provide understanding of how resolutions are proposed, who can propose resolutions, timeframes, and the feedback procedure for congregations and proposers.
- Call to Meeting: Each year, the CUC Board and staff issues an Official Notice of Meeting and AGM documents. This Call is sent:
- by mail, courier or personal delivery to each member congregation entitled to vote at the meeting, during a period of 21 to 60 days before the day on which the meeting is to be held, or;
- by electronic or other communication facility to each member congregation entitled to vote at the meeting, during a period of 21 to 60 days before the day on which the meeting is to be held.
- Matters and Resolutions for the AGM
- Voting at AGMs: Only accredited delegates shall be entitled to vote, and they must be registered by April 1st.
- Each accredited delegate is entitled to one vote. Any motion requires a Quorum of the meeting to be carried, quorum consisting of thirty accredited delegates representing not fewer than eight-member congregations from not fewer than three of the designated geographical areas of the CUC.
- On-line participation and voting – information to come.
As provided in the CUC’s Articles of Continuance, each member congregation shall be entitled to representation by a delegate or delegates at any Annual or Special Meeting of the Council, and the total number of delegates from each member congregation shall be in proportion to the number of members of such congregation as declared by the duly authorised officers of the congregation at least 90 days prior to the Annual or Special Meeting in accordance with the following:
Number of Members | Number of Delegates |
Up to one hundred | 2 |
One hundred and one to one hundred fifty | 3 |
One hundred fifty one to two hundred | 4 |
Two hundred one to two hundred fifty | 5 |
Two hundred fifty one to three hundred | 6 |
Three hundred and one to three hundred fifty | 7 |
Three hundred fifty-one to four hundred | 8 |
Four hundred and one to four hundred fifty | 9 |
Four hundred fifty-one and over | 10 |
Number of Delegates Designated According to Congregational Size
Member congregations are required to report their congregational numbers to the CUC annually. This figure is used to calculate the amount of the Annual Program Contribution to the CUC, and to designate the number of delegates for each congregation at the AGM.
In-between AGMs
During the rest of the year, delegates and congregational liaisons to the CUC are encouraged to stay informed and involved with associational events and news, to heighten congregational awareness and participation in the wider network of UU communities. Here are some ways of staying current:
- Sign up to receive the CUC’s eNews, distributed electronically 6 times a year, and the Canadian Unitarian, the CUC’s newsletter published twice a year.
- Look at the CUC’s events calendar often, to see what events & educational opportunities are happening regionally, nationally, and continentally.
- Contact to subscribe to the CUC Leaders’ list, an email group which is used to inform leaders, ask questions of each other, share ideas and resources, and network.
- Check the CUC’s main webpage and Facebook page often – news and updates are posted regularly. The Facebook page is a good way to find out what is happening with other UU congregations and communities.
Questions or comments? Email