Annual Congregational Certification of Membership

Growing vital religious UU communities in Canada is a joint, interdependent effort, and the work of the Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC) in engaging with Unitarian, Universalist, and Unitarian Universalist congregations and communities is only possible with your congregation’s support and commitment. Each fall, congregations are asked to send their membership numbers to the CUC. These numbers are used to determine the amount of the annual program contribution (APC) that each congregation remits. Your congregation’s financial contributions help us to collectively

  • Provide resources and support for your congregation’s growth or transitional needs
  • Provide training and support for lay chaplains and lay chaplaincy committees
  • Offer workshops and leadership development according to congregations’ needs
  • Be the voice of Canadian UUs on national and international issues of concern
  • Connect congregational leaders, youth, young adults, religious educators, and musicians with each other for networking and support
  • Offer subsidies for leadership opportunities (when funds are available)
  • Create opportunities to network and connect during national and regional gatherings
  • Help congregations and communities do together that which is difficult to do alone

The APC is calculated per member, with a lower rate for youth and young adult (YaYA) members. Annual Program Contribution information is sent out to congregations in the fall of each year, for calculating APCs for the following year. If your congregation hasn’t received this, please email