Social Justice Is Everyone’s Responsibility

World globe held up by handsAs Unitarian Universalists, we are called to work for love and justice, and we have a long, proud history of doing so in Canada and beyond. The Canadian Unitarian Council encourages coordinated action by our congregations, as well as individual efforts, on matters of social concern. Resolutions dating back to 1963 demonstrate the passion that Unitarian Universalists dedicate to social justice and environmental issues.

We are called upon to engage in the struggle for human betterment. We don’t know ahead of time if we’ll succeed. In fact, we will often fail. But when success does come, it is oh so sweet!”
—Rev. Fred Cappuccino

Pride eventGet Involved in Social Justice Initiatives

National Social Justice Team

The CUC’s Social Justice Team has an overarching role in Canadian UU social justice work, and is responsible for identifying social justice issues to be acted on, recommending action plans and initiatives, and helping connect congregations and individuals to each other. The team works closely with the CUC’s Social Justice Lead.