CanUUdle Staff

The CanUUdle Staff is a group of about 10 youth and 2 adults who work together to plan the annual, national youth con. Check out the staff positions below.

CanUUdle staff applications are closed for 2024. Thanks to everyone who applied! 
There will be more opportunities to volunteer on your registration form, so keep an eye out! 
What does the CanUUdle Staff do?

CanUUdle is a youth con by and for youth. The staff team plans the con schedule, workshops, activities, worships and runs the show during the weekend. From January to May, the staff team gathers in monthly online meetings and works in small teams to plan the schedule and program. During CanUUdle, the staff collectively function as important community stewards, organizers and, most importantly, role models and leaders of the youth community.

Planning is supported by the CanUUdle Coordinator, a part-time contract staff who works with the staff team and organizes logistics. Contact the coordinator by emailing

Why would you want to be on CanUUdle staff?

  • To give back to our wonderful youth community by planning a con where everyone can enjoy themselves, make great friends, and explore their UU identity.
  • To develop your leadership skills, learn how to organize a big event, plan a schedule, facilitate meetings and much more!
  • To meet amazing youth and adults from across Canada and the U.S. and make long-lasting friendships through the planning process.

What if I’ve never been on staff before?

That’s not a problem! While we do recommend that those applying for staff have at least attended one UU con or camp as a participant before, you do not need con/camp staff experience. In fact, it’s a perfect chance to try something new in a super supportive environment. There will be opportunities to learn (or brush up on) different leadership skills during staff meetings. We also typically pair new staff with experienced staff for mentorship.

Keep in mind there are also many different kinds of roles that require different skill sets and interests. Check out the PDF below to get a better idea of which roles would be most comfortable for you, and which ones might stretch you!

Staff Commitment

Regardless of the size and scope of your role, everyone on staff commits to working together to collectively create and lead each year’s CanUUdle program. Plan on spending an average of 5-7 hours per month on CanUUdle planning between January and May, with a heavier commitment right before the con.

All staff commit to:

  • Participating in online planning meetings (at least 6 meetings between January and May)
  • Maintaining regular communication with each other via the CanUUdle Staff chat (these days we are mostly using Discord), email and other means.
  • Generating ideas and a vision for the whole con
  • Following through on tasks for their staff role, and for general con planning
  • Asking for help when needed (and before deadlines are passed)
  • All CanUUdle staff must agree to follow the CUC Code of Ethics and all CUC Youth policies

CanUUdle Planning Timeline: 2024-2025 (dates coming soon)

  • Staff application deadline:
  • Co-deans chosen: 
  • Other staff positions chosen:
  • The first All Staff meeting will be a must-attend meeting the week of
  • All CanUUdle staff are required to be onsite in 
    • The con itself starts on
    • Registration fees are waived for the volunteer staff team in recognition of the work they put into making this con possible. Additional funding is available through the CUC Youth and Young Adult Subsidy Fund.  If further financial assistance is required, please contact

Staff Roles

The staff team works collaboratively to plan the con program, but individual staff have main responsibility for their area. Take a look at the CanUUdle Staff Roles document to see what’s involved.