Lay Chaplains Chat (on line)

Monday, February 5, 2024 – 4:30 pm PT | 5:30 pm MT | 6:30 pm CT | 7:30 pm  ET | 8:30 pm AT |  9:30pm NT (90 minutes)

The National Lay Chaplaincy Committee recognizes that many of our Lay Chaplains are working in isolation and many have asked for ways to stay connected throughout the year. We are offering the opportunity to do that through our new Lay Chaplains Chat series. We invite all Lay Chaplains, new and seasoned, (as well as LC Committee members and those considering Lay Chaplaincy) to a recurring  Lay Chaplains Chat event hosted on line via Zoom.

This will be an opportunity for the National LC Committee to update you regarding upcoming trainings and gatherings but more importantly this is an opportunity for you to meet other Lay Chaplains from across Canada and with various levels and years of experience.

This Lay Chaplains’ chat will get back to basics. Each attendee is asked to choose two readings, pieces of poetry, pieces of music or other resources that they have used successfully during any rite of passage. They will share one of these pieces with the group (we suggest preparing two just in case someone else offers the same reading!) and explain how/why this piece worked so well for the ceremony at which it was used. The pieces will be compiled and shared with the participants and questions, stories and comments on officiating rites of passage will be shared.
We all have our stories. Let’s share them!

Let’s gather to share stories and successes and challenges as we move through this journey.


Registration open until February 4, 2024

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