Elementary (K-6) OWL Facilitator Training

Monday, August 19 – 9:00 am ET to 5:00pm ET
Tuesday, August 20 – 9:00 am ET to 5:00pm ET
Wednesday, August 21 – 9:00 am ET to 5:00pm ET

This training is happening IN PERSON ONLY at Unicamp and is open to Canadians and Americans

Become a facilitator for Our Whole Lives (OWL) sexuality education for children. OWL facilitator training provides theoretical and hands-on training to facilitate Our Whole Lives program for children Kindergarten through Grade 2 and Grades 4-6. We welcome those from outside the Unitarian Universalist tradition who would like to run OWL programs in schools, camps or other settings – this training is a requirement for using OWL curricula and materials.

Participants must attend the whole training session and complete the group teaching activities in order to be approved as an OWL facilitator.  Additionally, there will be 3.5 hours of work to be done ahead of the in-person training. You will receive details about this in an email from the trainers three weeks prior to the training. 

Registration is required and available on Unicamp website
Registration closes July 30th
Training Cost: $300
Accommodations and Food: varied prices available
Childcare is also available for additional for 2-12 year olds


OWL Trainers: 

Rev. Chris Wulff:
Rev. Christopher Wulff has been leading peer sexuality education programs since 1999, including every level of Our Whole Lives. He has previously served as Minister of Westside UU Congregation in West Seattle, and worked for the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Pacific Western Region. A cradle UU who grew up at First Unitarian Congregation in Toronto, Rev. Christopher lives in Vancouver with his wife Ariel Hunt-Brondwin (who used to work for the CUC), their two kiddos Rowan and Benjamin, and bouncy dog Hershey.


Liz Cox:
Liz grew up Unitarian in the UK and has served as a director of religious education in Europe, the US and Canada. She is now settled up in the home town of her husband, St John’s, Newfoundland. She spends her time cobbling a life together out of passion projects and cuddling her two dogs Derby and Basil (both pronounced the British English way).