Photo by Rev. Helen MacFayden
Registration deadline: April 13
It is well known that photos and video have become critical in getting information about your congregation out there in the world, both for your website and your social media efforts. This is particularly important in terms of giving newcomers and visitors a rich introduction to your congregation and reducing the time it takes for them to physically visit you.
Amber Dawn Bellemare will be covering the basic of photography and video creation in this webinar. Among other topics, Amber will address what equipment you need and what software, along with providing links to get you started in editing. General guidance and suggestions will be shared to get you up and running. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer period.
Amber Dawn Bellmare is a professional videographer who was on the THR task force and is now the Administrator for the Truth Healing and Reconciliation Reflection Guides. Her involvement developed the Young Adult “Reconciliation Through Film” and is responsible for the Film Screenings throughout the year. Among other CUC related media projects, Amber created the promotional video found on the front page of our website. She is a documentary filmmaker whose work primarily supports stories of contemporary living in the North.
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