Connect and Deepen – Virtual Gathering (Online)
November 10, December 8, January 12, February 9, March 8 (2nd Sunday of the month)
5 p.m. AT, 4 p.m. ET, 3 p.m. CT, 2 p.m. MT, 1 p.m PT (90 minutes)
Connect and Deepen is a new monthly online gathering for those seeking Canadian Unitarian Universalist connections.
There are many people across Canada who find themselves geographically separated from Unitarian Universalist meeting places. We welcome you to this on-line opportunity to gather with other kindred spirits in small groups to discuss matters of personal, spiritual, theological and lifestyle significance.
Known in congregations as Chalice Circles, Covenant Groups (and more) these groups will connect people across the country and is a unique opportunity for people who are unable to participate regularly in congregational life. If you’d welcome this opportunity, join us for this new on-line gathering series.
We’ll gather online through Zoom (a video-conferencing platform) in groups of up to 8. Participants are encouraged to plan to attend most of these sessions so that group cohesion and trust can develop. While there is no cost to the program, we still require you to register below so that we can monitor interest and plan the number of break out groups or to cancel accordingly.
The same Zoom invitation will be used for each meeting. You can join by computer or phone with the following information:
Join the Zoom Meeting:
One tap mobile
+16475580588,,937997524# Canada
8557038985 or 937997524# Canada Toll-free
Dial by your location
+1 647 558 0588 Canada
855 703 8985 Canada Toll-free
Meeting ID: 937 997 524
Find your local number:
Questions? Please contact your facilitators: Rev. Linda Thomson, Congregational Life Lead – Central/Eastern Regions and/or Joan Carolyn, Congregational Life Lead – BC/Western Regions
Unpublished form