Coffee Chat Debrief – Dr. Makokis & Anthony Johnson

Wednesday, September 23, 4:15 p.m. PT | 5:15 p.m.MT | 6:15 p.m. CT | 7:15 p.m. ET | 8:15 p.m. AT

In 2019, Dr. James Makokis and Anthony Johnson became the first two-spirit Indigenous couple to win The Amazing Race Canada. The pair used the competition as a platform to tackle topics like gender and sexual identity, racism, mental health, and the environment.

University of British Columbia (UBC) is featuring a talk by the couple who will share their personal transformations, from their early years facing adversity around two-spirit and Indigenous identities to a lifetime of education, transforming them into leaders, activists, and role models.

Join the CUC immediately following the UBC presentation for a Coffee Chat debrief.

Please register for the CUC Coffee Chat.

A separate registration is required for the UBC talk.