Fig Trees & Grout: A Bridging Ceremony

2:00 pm PT | 3:00 pm MT | 4:00 pm CT | 5:00 pm ET | 6:00 pm AT | 6:30 pm NT (Unitarian Church of Edmonton & Online) (1 hour)

What do fig trees and grout have to do with each other, and what on earth do they have to do with bridges?? 

You are invited to the Bridging Ceremony, to discover the answer to this riddle… but more importantly, to witness and celebrate a meaningful ritual of transition for Unitarian Universalist youth and young adults! 

The Bridging Ceremony marks an important milestone in the lives of young Unitarian Universalists: graduating from the youth program and moving into adulthood. 

Gather to witness these amazing young people reflect on their formative experiences in the youth community and honour them as they make the brave transition of claiming their identities as young adults. 

We’re shaking things up a bit this year, inviting everyone present to reflect on changes in our own lives and to identify how we are being called to build the communities of our dreams. Hint: it might have to do with figs and with grout… 

People of all ages are invited to be present, either in person at the Unitarian Church of Edmonton, or on Zoom, to welcome the “Bridgers” into the loving embrace of our larger community. 

Questions can be directed to