Decision Making Exploration Team: Deciding Together: Co-designing a proposal for CUC decision-making
Saturday, January 13 – 10:00 am PT | 11:00 am MT | 12:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm ET | 2:00 pm AT | 2:30 pm NT (5 hours)

In this workshop we will engage with the three broad options for CUC Annual General Meetings and special meetings laid out in December’s eNews:
A. Retain the status quo, with possible adjustments to simplify meetings (e.g., using Democratic Rules of Order or reducing the number of delegates).
B. Allow substantive amendments at CUC AGMs and special meetings, empowering delegates to act on behalf of their congregations but eliminating the ability for broad consultation on the final form of a motion.
C. Develop an interactive process to replace the current written feedback on resolutions prior to a meeting.
In advance of the session, we kindly ask that you review the following material:
1. The December eNews article mentioned above (1 page)
2. The existing CUC Resolutions Process (4 pages)
3. Some examples of alternative interactive processes for “Option C” (2 pages)