Resources for Congregations – Session 1

Congregational leaders are invited to share resources and information about planning for and
coping with the impacts of COVID-19 on their congregations.

It’s important that we remain in conversation, support each other, and share resources. To help do this, we are inviting congregational leaders to attend one of two roundtable conversations this weekend (March 14 & 15). The goal of these roundtables is to share practical and pastoral resources for congregations, to provide information about online streaming options for those congregations who are pondering alternatives to Sunday services, and to address questions and concerns. We welcome you all, wherever you are in the decision-making process.

Three additional weekly roundtables have been set up for ongoing support and resource sharing on March 21, 28 and April 4.

Time: March 14, 2020, 1:00 PM ET

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Meeting ID: 443 602 806

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