Options for Giving to the CUC

Growing into the Future: direct contributions to support the CUC’s mission to “Grow Vital UU Communities – Donate

Unitarians Helping Others

The CUC maintains a number of funds to support UU congregations, individuals, and other organizations. Click on the name of the fund to find out more about it, Online donations can be made through the link provided for each fund.

Rev. Rod Fund for Youth and Young Adults – Donate

Adult Leadership Development (EB Ratcliffe Fund)Donate

Justice and Equity Fund: support the CUC’s justice and equity initiatives, including work to advance the 8th Principle and dismantle racism – Donate

Theological Education Fund: support for ministerial journeys – Donate

Sharing Our Faith: growth initiative and projects for congregations – Donate

Canadian Unitarian Universalist Religious Educators (CUURE): support for religious educators – Donate

Refugee Fund: to support refugee work undertaken by the CUC – Donate

CUC Special Collections: to help the CUC make a meaningful impact (one-time special projects) – Donate

Legacy Fund: to maintain and grow the CUC – Donate

Donate to Growing into the Future!

Donations to Growing into the Future go directly to the CUC, helping us fulfill our mission to grow vital Unitarian Universalist communities.

Donations can also be made by etransfer at info@cuc.ca or by cheque, which can be sent to:
Canadian Unitarian Council
@Centre for Social Innovation
#302 192 Spadina Ave
Toronto, ON M5T 2C2

Please include the name of the fund in the memo line.