eNews October 1

CUC eNews: October 1, 2019 – Issue 100 In This Issue: Call for Proposals: CUC Conference 2020 All You Need to Know About the Federal Elections Election Rules for Charities Gather Online with Connect...

Youth Safety Policies

Youth Safety Policies The Canadian Unitarian Council is committed to holding safe and inclusive events for the youth of our denomination. To this end the following policies, rules, and requirements have been developed to...

Resources for Lay Chaplains

Resources for Lay Chaplains The Canadian Unitarian Council’s lay chaplaincy program trains and supports carefully chosen lay members of Unitarian Universalist congregations to create and perform rites of passage (weddings, funeral and memorial services,...

Terms of Service

Terms of Service Web Site Terms Of Service and Conditions Of Use 1. Terms By accessing this web site, you are agreeing to be bound by these web site Terms Of Service and Conditions...

The CUC: From Colony To Nation, 1961–2002

The CUC: From Colony To Nation, 1961–2002 Rev. Dr. Charles W. Eddis, Minister Emeritus, The Unitarian Church of Montreal. An address to the Unitarian Universalist Historical Society, Quebec City, June 24, 2002.On July 1, the Canadian Unitarian...

eNews March 26

CUC eNews: March 26, 2019 – Issue 83 In This Issue: CUC Response to Christchurch Making Waves in Halifax Staff Profile: Joan Carolyn Lay Chaplaincy Training: Designing and Leading Rites of Passage Applications Now...

eNews April 9

CUC eNews: April 9, 2019 – Issue 85 In This Issue: Important Documents for the AGM AIM Program Supports Inclusion of People With Disabilities Staff Profile: Asha Philar One Month Left to Register for...

eNews May 14

CUC eNews: May 14, 2019 – Issue 90 In This Issue: 2019 Annual General Meeting Recap 2020 National Annual General Meeting and Conference New CUC Board and Nominating Committee Members CUC Funding Recipients 2019...

eNews November 24, 2020

CUC eNews: November 24, 2020 – Issue 125 In This Issue: Letter From Vyda 2021 National Conference Seeks Presenters QUUest Survey Closes December 15 Celebrating the Holidays in Covid’s Second Wave Tips on Preparing...

eNews January 19, 2021

CUC eNews: January 19, 2021 – Issue 127 In This Issue: Letter From Vyda Join Us at Our National Sharing Our Faith Service How to Have Difficult Conversations with Dr. David Wiley Campt The...