Youth Observer to the Board (YOB)

Senior Youth Observer: Lea Bomford-Moore, BC Region
Junior Youth Observer: Daniel LeDuc, Western Region

Instagram: cucyob 

Duties and Responsibilities of the Youth Observers to the Board

The primary purposes of the Youth Observer positions are:

  1. To represent youth perspectives and voices to the CUC Board
  2. To summarize youth issues for the Board
  3. To nurture national youth community and uplift youth voices
  4. To present Board updates back to Canadian UU youth

Term: beginning in May of each year for two-year terms (first year as Jr. YOB second as Sr. YOB)

Each YOB is elected for a two-year term (beginning and ending in May). Two YOBs serve on the board at a time with overlapping terms.The CUC Board is a Carver policy board, which means that it sets policies, larger picture visions and long-term program goals, which are then the responsibility of the Executive Director to interpret and the CUC staff to carry out. As official observers to the Board, the YOBs are allowed to speak at all board meetings, including the AGM, but do not have voting status.

Overall Responsibilities and Time Commitment

To the CUC Board of Trustees:

  • Attend all face to face Board meetings (a twice a year, approximately five-day commitment with travel & accommodation costs paid for)
  • Attend all Zoom video conferencing Board meetings (approximately 10 per year, 2 hours each)
  • Participate in all Board discussions pertaining to youth and youth issues and concerns
  • Participate in other Board discussions at their discretion
  • Help build agendas for board meetings by bringing youth issues to the attention of the Executive Director/Board President
  • Attend relevant portions of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the CUC Conference in person or online, depending on the year
  • Present a report to CUC members at the AGM on the YOB’s work over their past term and on the state of Canadian Youth ministry
  • Present a monthly YOB report at each Board meeting outlining updates in the youth community and any work as YOBs
  • Participate in ad-hoc Board work, committees, and task-forces as appropriate

To the MyceliUUm Youth Network: 

  • Provide leadership on the Fairy Ring (the small group that meets monthly to support the MyceliUUm Gatherings) 
    • Right now the YOBs are acting as “Chairs” of the Fairy Ring, setting agendas and facilitating meetings, but this structure could change 
  • Attend MyceliUUm Network Gatherings every 3-4 months, providing leadership and supporting other Fairy Ring members in their tasks 

At CanUUdle:

  • Be visible and active at CanUUdle (all costs of attending are covered)
  • Together with the outgoing YOB, new SR YOB, an adult Board member and a CUC YaYA staff person, host a workshop at CanUUdle about the Youth Observer position and youth ministry in the CUC 

Ongoing tasks

With support from the CUC Youth and Young Adult Ministry staff, the current YOBs will: 

  • Continue to support the MyceliUUm Youth Network (a newly created national youth body, focusing on community building and growing youths’ capacity to act as a collective of leaders in Canadian UUism) as it finds its shape and flow 
  • Prioritize bringing CUC Board issues back to Canadian UU youth at CanUUdle and throughout the year via the CUC website and communications, the MyceliUUm Gatherings and Discord server, the @cucyob Instagram account, the Canadian Unitarian Youth Facebook group, etc
  • Run a workshop about their work and CUC governance at CanUUdle and other regional Youth Cons
  • Orient the incoming Junior Youth Observer with the YOB mentor

To apply

Applications are now closed for this year. Check back next spring!


Who can vote? Unitarian Universalist youth who are currently 14 – 19 years old and living in Canada. You don’t have to attend a congregation to vote, but you do need to identify as UU and/or have a connection with some UU community.

How does voting work? It’s a two-step process.

1) Register to vote
2) Cast your vote

Direct any further questions to the current YOBs Lea and Daniel, on Instagram at @cucyob or on the MyceliUUm Discord server.

You can also contact the CUC Youth & Young Adult Program Manager – Casey Stainsby at