Pipelines, Democracy and Aboriginal Title: A Conversation with Dr. Niigann Sinclair
Online event: Sunday, May 24, 2020, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. ET
Join Dr. Niigaan Sinclair in a conversation about how non-Indigenous people can be in solidarity with Indigenous Nations when they are divided. This session will explore issues around Aboriginal land title, hereditary vs. colonial leadership, consent, consultation, and the various layers of justice to be considered when addressing issues such as climate action. This session is intended for settlers who want to engage in relationship building and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and communities.
Niigaanwewidom James Sinclair is Anishinaabe and originally from St. Peter’s (Little Peguis) Indian Settlement near Selkirk, Manitoba. He is a respected author, editor and regular commentator on Indigenous issues for CTV, CBC, and APTN Niigaan also teaches courses in Indigenous literature, cultures, histories, and politics at the University of Manitoba. He is a proud Treaty One member. The son of Senator Murray Sinclair who was the Chief Commissioner of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), Niigaan has been steeped in conversations related to reconciliation and comes with a wealth of lived experience with the complexities of implementing reconciliation on a political and grassroots level.