CUC eNews: November 26, 2019 – Issue 103
In This Issue:
- An Invitation to Halifax From the Making Waves Host Committee
- “Dismantling Racism” Study Group Prepares for Survey
- Registration Opens Soon for Intergenerational Spring Seminar in New York
- Connect With Other Canadian Unitarians via the CUC’s eGroups
- Don Heights Presents Original Christmas Musical
- Nominating Committee – Correction to Nominations for 2020
- Upcoming Events
An Invitation to Halifax From the Making Waves Host Committee
By Glenda Butt and Molly Hurd
Co-chairs, Making Waves, CUC National Conference Host Committee (Universalist Unitarian Church of Halifax)
Greetings from the Host Committee for Making Waves, the Canadian Unitarian Council’s National Conference taking place May 15–17, 2020 in Halifax, Nova Scotia (NS). We’re writing to suggest you combine Making Waves with a terrific vacation in Halifax and Nova Scotia. Even with only a few extra days, you can count on having a great time in Canada’s Ocean Playground.
Here are some of the reasons to consider making a vacation out of Making Waves:
A stimulating and fun filled conference in a picture-book campus setting, with lots of socializing, thought-provoking streams, a fabulous Maritime kitchen party Saturday night, a moving and spiritual Sunday morning service, and great music. It will be a whale of a good time!
The natural beauty of Nova Scotia: sparkling ocean views, clear blue skies, craggy rocks, trees as far as the eye can see … in a province studded with quaint and historic small towns such as UNESCO World Heritage site Lunenburg, the first North American settlement Annapolis Royal and historic fort Louisbourg, plus the scenic Cabot Trail. Enjoy many other hiking trails, bicycling, canoeing, kayaking, whale watching, and camping. Nova Scotia has two national Parks and many wonderful oceanside provincial parks to enjoy.
A sophisticated oceanside city full of unique and historic sights: walk along the waterfront, see museums with exhibits on the Halifax Explosion and Indigenous art, visit the Titanic graves and the Maud Lewis house, take the ferry across the harbour to see the evening lights, visit the oldest wooden church in North America, stroll in North America’s finest Victorian Public Gardens, climb on the rocks at famous Peggy’s Cove – and much more.
A food and wine destination: try Halifax’s nationally ranked restaurants, visit Nova Scotia’s winery region with several fine eateries, sample the award winning NS wines including Tidal Bay, Nova Scotia’s unique wine appellation, experience oysters from over forty local producers, eat lobster right from the sea, sample ethnic foods from many cultures.
Best of all, you will experience that legendary Maritime hospitality. We can’t wait for you to arrive and start having a good time. We’re happy to answer questions on Making Waves or vacation possibilities. Just send an email to
Oh, by the way, while you’re in Halifax for your vacation, remember to be part of the CUC’s National Conference!
Join us for the CUC’s National Conference!
“Dismantling Racism” Study Group Prepares for Survey

Beverly Horton and Rev. Julie Stoneberg
Members of the Canadian Unitarian Council’s “dismantling racism” study group are preparing for their audit of anti-racism work in Canadian congregations. The group plans to distribute a survey on this topic to Canadian Unitarians, with its release tentatively set for January. Rev. Julie Stoneberg of the Unitarian Fellowship of Peterborough, co-chair of the eight-person group, says they are hoping for the broadest possible participation by Canadian clergy and laypeople.
“We’re just looking very broadly at how people are accessing anti-racism work, if they are, and what it is they’re doing,” she says.
Beverly Horton of the First Unitarian Church of Hamilton, the group’s other co-chair, says she and Stoneberg sought to ensure the group reflected the desire for diversity expressed in the resolution which created it. They wanted one that was multiracial, multigenerational, and with representation from different regions of Canada, and they succeeded.
When asked why the group’s work is important to her, Stoneberg recalls a quote she saw online which stated: “Unless the racism is addressed and eradicated in the places you are looking to make ‘diverse’, you are simply bringing people of colour into violent and unsafe spaces.”
Stoneberg says that while Canadian Unitarian congregations won’t necessarily become more diverse as a result of engaging in anti-racism work, this work is still essential. She’s engaging in it in the hopes it will change her, and perhaps diversify Canadian congregations as well.
“I also think that’s the only way we’re going to become more diverse as congregations and be able to have cross-racial conversations and relationships is to eradicate, dismantle as much as possible, racism in ourselves and in our congregations,” she says.
Horton agrees that anti-racism work is vitally important because racism in Canadian congregations undermines the principles they claim to uphold.
“To a large extent, this work for me is about raising awareness about the ways we’re not living up to our principles and the ways that manifests itself in terms of white supremacist thinking and racism,” she says.
Read the Resolution Creating the “Dismantling Racism” Study Group
Registration Opens Soon for Intergenerational Spring Seminar in New York

(L-R) Taz (CA), Lark and Ash (US)
The Unitarian Universalist Association’s next Intergenerational Spring Seminar will take place in New York City, April 16-18, 2020, with youth and their sponsors arriving for orientation in the evening on April 15. The seminar allows youth and adults from all over North America to dig deeply into issues with global impact. This year’s theme is climate justice. Start making plans now as registration will open in December and the rates will go up mid-January. Be an early bird! You can find rates online now.
Special Young Adult Rates! The team hopes for more Young Adults between the ages of 18 and 35 to attend the Seminar – including those who have attended before as Youth. So the Young Adult registration rate includes lodging at Hostelling International New York! If any Young Adults do not wish to stay at the hostel, there is an additional discount available during the registration process.
Be aware: Youth and their sponsors also will stay at the hostel as part of their registration costs, and other attendees are responsible for finding their own housing.
Connect With Other Canadian Unitarians via the CUC’s eGroups
In addition to its social media presence, the Canadian Unitarian Council offers congregants across Canada a chance to connect via several e-lists sponsored or supported by CUC board or staff or volunteers. The groups include the CUC leaders list, young adults, administrators, money (for treasurers and others interested in financial matters), and many more. To request membership in one or more of these groups, please send an email to To unsubscribe from any Google group, scroll to the bottom of the group email and click on the ‘unsubscribe’ button.
Explore the Complete List of Groups
Don Heights Presents Original Christmas Musical
By Sheila White, Music Director, Don Heights Unitarian Congregation
Don Heights Unitarian Congregation will present an original musical for its 2019 Christmas Service on the evening of December 15. “The Wishing Tree”, a Unitarian Christmas story, was written by Music Director Sheila White and a team of in-house contributors. The whimsical tale explores the significance of light at this time of year. It centres on three travellers on a mission as guardians of a special flame. The production includes eight songs composed by Sheila and the Don Heights Singers from their songbook, “Power of Song”.
Read How the Unitarians Created Christmas
Nominating Committee – Correction to Nominations for 2020
In the November 12 article on nominations for the CUC Board and Nominating Committee, one position was left out – that of a Nominating Committee member for the Central region. Nominees are sought for the following:
- Board of Trustees: Central Region (between Thunder Bay to Kingston ON)
- Youth Observer to the Board
- Nominating Committee: BC / Western Region (BC to Manitoba) and Central Region (between Thunder Bay to Kingston ON)
Read More About the Nominating Committee
Visit & like the Canadian Unitarian Council on Facebook!
Upcoming Events 2019 – 2020
Share what’s going on in your congregation. Contact
Youth and Young Adults
Online – Gathered Here: Young Adult Check-In, December 9, January 13, February 10, March 9, April 13, June 8, July 13, August 10 – 8 p.m. ET
Gathered Here is a monthly online check-in and gathering for Canadian Unitarian Universalist young adults. Zoom (
Online Events
Connect and Deepen – Virtual Gathering, Monthly – December 8, January 12, February 9, March 8 (2nd Sunday of the month), 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. ET
Join us for the opportunity to discuss matters of spiritual and theological significance in small groups and connect with people across the country.
Rethinking UU Governance, Saturday, December 7, 2019, 12:30 – 2:00 p.m. ET
Many Canadian UU congregations struggle to find ways in which our very governance, style of organization, will reflect our values and resonate with the lives of those who engage within our communities. Join us for a conversation, beginning with two powerful stories and opening for all participants to share their ideas, experiments and questions. Our two presenters will be Mr. Sanford Osler, North Shore Unitarian Church and Rev. Jessica Rodela, Grand River Unitarian. Registration deadline: November 28.
Annual UU Midwinter Retreat – 20/20 Visions, February 7 – 9, 2020
YMCA Cedar Glen Outdoor Centre, Schomberg, ON
Keynote Speaker: Rev. Peter Boullata, enjoy workshops and outdoor/indoor activities. Registration is open now!
2020 National Annual General Meeting and Conference, May 15 – 17, 2020, Halifax, Nova Scotia – Hosted by the Universalist Unitarian Church of Halifax
The theme for Conference 2020 is Making Waves! More information coming soon.
CanUUdle XX: Celebrate 20 years of CanUUdle!, May 15 – 18, 2020, Halifiax, Nova Scotia
Hosted by the Universalist Unitarian Church of Halifax
CanUUdle is the beloved annual youth conference where youth and adult allies from across Canada (and sometimes from the States!) gather to worship, build community, and grow in their Unitarian Universalist identities alongside the multigenerational National Conference. In 2020 CanUUdle will be celebrating its 20th anniversary. Registration will open in winter 2020. More information coming soon.
Chorus 2020: National Young Adult Conference, May 15 – 17, 2020, Halifax, NS
Join UUs from across Canada at the National Conference, where the theme for 2020 is Making Waves. There will be specific programming, worship, and socializing opportunities just for young adults within the multigenerational Conference, as well as the beloved Bridging Ceremony and dinner with the youth of CanUUdle. Registration will open in winter 2020. More information coming soon.
UU-UNO Intergenerational Spring Seminar On Climate Justice, April 15 – 18, 2020, New York, NY
Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly, June 24 – 28, 2020, Providence, RI
International Council of Unitarians and Universalists (ICUU) Meeting & Conference, October 26 – November 1, 2020, Montreal, Canada
Supported by the CUC, this ICUU Conference is an excellent opportunity to meet and get to know UUs from all over the world. Donations from Canadians go to support leadership development for participants from emerging members groups.