eNews: August 15, 2023 – Issue 152
This Issue:
- A Letter from Vyda
- Remembering Rev. Rodrigo Emilio Solano-Quesnel
- UUA Embraces Change at 2023 General Assembly
- Meet the First UU Military Chaplain in Canada: Rev. Nicole McKay
- National Sunday Services
- Turning the 8th Principle Inward: An Update from the CUC’s Justice & Equity Team
- Vote Now in the Youth Observer Elections
- A Love Holding Us
- Register for the Young Adult Retreat at UniCamp
- Connect and Deepen: Fall Sessions
- Leaders’ Roundtable: Youth Advisor Training Info Session
- Hello Canadian Unitarian Universalist Decision Makers
- Your Congregational Life Team is Inviting you to . . . Save the Dates
- Coming Soon: Fall Youth Con in British Columbia
- Meaning Making in Liminal Times
- Canadian Unitarian Universalists Seeking Loving Justice
- Apply for a West Trust Grant
- Did You Know?
- Job Opportunities
- What’s Making Us Smile
- CUC Events from August 15 to December 31, 2023
A Letter from Vyda
We are in mourning at the Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC). Like many of you, the Board and staff have been deeply affected by the sudden and tragic death of Rev. Rodrigo (“Rod”) Solano-Quesnel. Rod was a much-loved colleague and friend, and this loss weighs heavily on all our hearts. Please join us in remembering Rod at a memorial service officiated by Rev. Pat Trudeau. Neighbourhood Unitarian Universalist Congregation will host the service on September 23, 2023. It will be livestreamed.
I also invite you to attend “A Love Holding Us: A Service of Healing for the Layers of Grief.” Rev. Diane Rollert and the Unitarian Universalist Association’s UU Trauma Response Team are holding this service especially for youth and young adults. Those who care for them are welcome to attend as well. The service will be held online on Thursday, August 17, 2023.
In this issue of the eNews, you will also find information about the national Sunday services and other events that the CUC has planned for the 2023-2024 congregational year.
As we near the end of summer, staff are returning from their well-deserved vacations, rejuvenated. We are ready to bring fresh ideas and new energy to our work.
One of our priorities in 2023-2024 is to engage in a strategic planning process. The CUC Board will be reaching out to you, our members, to discuss the challenges and opportunities we face. Together, we can build vibrant, sustainable Unitarian Universalist communities. Watch for information about the strategic planning sessions in your inbox and in the September issue of the eNews.
Be well,
Vyda Ng
Remembering Rev. Rodrigo Emilio Solano-Quesnel
By the CUC’s National Voice Team: UU Ministers of Canada President, Rev. Samaya Oakley; CUC Board President, Kiersten Moore, and CUC Executive Director Vyda Ng
Our hearts are heavy as we mourn the tragic death of Rev. Rodrigo (“Rod”) Emilio Solano-Quesnel, who died at age 42 in a traffic accident early on the morning of Tuesday, July 11. We extend our deepest condolences to his family and those who knew and cared for him, especially his beloved partner and fiancé Sarah Wert, who was with him at the time of the accident and suffered non-life-threatening injuries.
On Friday, July 21, Rev. Debra Faulk held a moving funeral service for Rev. Solano-Quesnel with participation from his family and friends. Sarah courageously shared the story of how they met and how their relationship blossomed very quickly. She also chose the content of the service, which included a photo and video montage compiled by Amber Bellemare. The musical selections included “Keep it Alight”, composed by Rev. Lynn Harrison, and the national “Spirit of Life” chalice-lighting video.
Originally from Mexico City, Rev. Solano-Quesnel moved to Canada in the early 1990s. While attending Carleton University he was introduced to Unitarian Universalism. He became an active member of First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa and felt called to UU ministry.
After going to seminary at the Montreal School of Theology (affiliated with McGill University), Rev. Solano-Quesnel served as Intern Minister at First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto, where he met his partner Sarah.
After his internship, he and Sarah joined Neighbourhood Unitarian Universalist Congregation, which ordained him in 2016.
Rev. Solano-Quesnel then served as the half-time Developmental Minister at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Ottawa for two years, alternating weeks between both Toronto and Ottawa, and calling both places home before moving to Leamington in Essex County, where he was honoured to share ministry with the vibrant and historic UU community in Olinda.
Rev. Solano-Quesnel’s impact extended far beyond his congregations. He was actively engaged in the national UU community, serving as a Director on the Canadian Unitarian Council’s Board of Trustees for the last several years, and had just stepped into the role of Secretary. He brought levity, insight, level-headed wisdom, and compassion to his work on the Board. He had been a member of the Pastoral Care team for young adults, was a facilitator for the CUC’s Men’s Inclusivity Action Group, and had facilitated several dismantling racism and inclusivity forums. Rev. Solano-Quesnel was instrumental in crafting the CUC’s 8th Principle. His loss strikes at our hearts and he will be deeply missed.
A Toronto Celebration of Life for Rev. Rod Solano-Quesnel will be happening on Saturday, September 23 at 5 PM in the sanctuary of Neighbourhood Unitarian Universalist Congregation, at 310 Danforth Ave, Toronto. The entrance for Neighbourhood is at the corner of Hurndale Ave and Jackman Ave.
Rev. Pat Trudeau will be officiating the celebration of life service. Susanne Maziarz will plan and conduct music.
There will be an opportunity for people to share memories of Rod, and to share a song, poem, science experiment, magic trick, or other creative/quirky/fun tribute to Rod. There may also be an opportunity for dancing to some of Rod’s favourite music. Refreshments and/or a light meal will be provided. Donations to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Olinda (where Rod had been the settled minister for 5 years) can be made in Rod’s honour.
The event will be livestreamed. To join in on Zoom:
The event will be livestreamed. To join in on Zoom (NOTE THIS IS A NEW ZOOM LINK as of Sep 22/23):
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 893 4557 5333 Passcode: 425296
Toll-free Canada: 1-855-703-8985
UUA Embraces Change at 2023 General Assembly
By Vyda Ng, Executive Director & Kiersten Moore, President, CUC Board of Trustees
On June 22, 2023, the outgoing President of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), Susan Frederick-Gray, delivered her final report to members at General Assembly, the annual gathering where the UUA conducts business, gathers in community, explores the theological underpinnings of the UU faith, and emphasizes the Association’s mission, values, and principles. In her speech, Frederick-Gray called on Unitarian Universalists to “get uncomfortable and innovative in the mess of change.”
Delegates rose to the challenge by voting 86.3% in favour of advancing recommended changes to Article II of the UUA Bylaws–changes that include identifying six core values centred around “love” as “the enduring force that holds us together.” (See Appendix A.)
Article II, which contains the “Principles and Purposes” of the UUA, is the foundation for the work of the Association, covenanted communities, and member congregations, including 16 Canadian congregations. The last significant revision of Article II was in 1995 when a sixth source of the faith – earth-centered traditions – was added.
In the two years leading up to this historic vote, the Article II Study Commission engaged Unitarian Universalists (UUs) in the United States and, to a lesser extent, internationally, in passionate discussions about the proposed changes to Article II–and the questions they raise about how we define our shared faith. Members of the commission held a series of consultations to gain feedback and carefully considered what they learned.
CUC President (and Religious Educator) Kiersten Moore, who followed the consultations and subsequent vote closely, says: “The overwhelming support for the proposal reflects how thoughtful and collaborative the whole process has been.”
Vyda Ng, the Executive Director of the Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC) who was at General Assembly, agrees, adding that “a series of amendments to the wording of the proposed Article II revision had passed prior to the main vote. Delegates had the opportunity to speak to both the pro and con sides before they voted.”
Ng observed that “there was a sense of quiet celebration when the decision was announced, with acknowledgement that many UUs continue to be very attached to the principles and feel a deep sense of loss at this outcome. The UUA is entering a new phase with this decision.”
Over the next year, the Article II Study Commission will continue to consult with Unitarian Universalists. The final vote on the recommended changes to Article II will take place at the virtual GA in 2024.
“The CUC will continue to be guided by our eight Principles, although we will give careful consideration to how the UUA’s decision will impact resources and programming for Canadian UUs.” says Ng. “We will remain engaged with the conversations and with UUA leaders over the coming year.”
“Political borders are artificial,” adds Moore, “and nothing makes that clearer than the continuous flow of ideas and ideologies. We have work to do together, may we approach it with humility, compassion and with a willingness to lean into our tradition of transformation.”
In another historic vote, Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt was elected President of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) with the support of more than 2,300 UU delegates on June 25, 2023. Rev. Dr. Betancourt will be both the first out queer individual and the first woman of colour elected to the role. She succeeds the Rev. Dr. Susan Frederick-Gray, who was the first woman president of the UUA. Her tenure began on July 10, 2023.
The Canadian Unitarian Council congratulates Rev. Dr. Betancourt. We look forward to working with her and share her commitment to “the work of radical inclusion, faithful witness, and the embrace of a wide range of voices and leaders for our faith.”
Meet the First UU Military Chaplain in Canada: Rev. Nicole McKay
By Kenzie Love
Rev. Nicole McKay is currently based out of Canadian Forces Borden in Ontario, where she serves as a Unitarian Universalist chaplain. She is the first person to hold such a position with the Canadian Forces. A graduate of the University of Toronto’s Trinity College, she was ordained by the First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto in May of 2023.
Nicole has served in the military since 2005, having transferred to chaplaincy in 2020. Raised Catholic, she later realized that faith didn’t align with her values and went searching for a different one before arriving at Unitarian Universalism. Having enrolled in seminary, she was drawn to military chaplaincy in part by the Canadian Forces’ desire to embrace a new vision of what military chaplaincy could be. That they wanted to have greater diversity in this role, even without knowing exactly what it would look like, appealed to her.
“Things became very clear,” she says. “That part of my call is to help the military live into what it’s hoping to do.”
Nicole served as a minister on call at the CUC’s 2023 Symposium, providing pastoral care to attendees. Providing pastoral care to members of the military and their families is also an important part of her role as a chaplain. In addition, she helps members of the military practice their faith while providing guidance on ethics and matters of spirituality and religion to the commanding officer.
Although she is still in the early stages in this position, she has already been involved in some significant work, such as participating in a working group charged with revising the military’s policy on public prayer.
“We’ve reworked it, myself and some colleagues, so it’s going to be public reflection,” she says. “A time where we can reflect on what we do hold in common, our guiding ethical principles, those kinds of things, so it does make meaning and bring people together in a really significant way.”
In the coming years, Nicole hopes to continue this work to ensure everyone in the military has access to chaplaincy in a way that is meaningful to them.
“One of the pieces of chaplaincy is that it says we should care for all,” she says. “So how do we live out that value?”
National Sunday Services
By Vyda Ng
During the pandemic and beyond, Canadian Unitarian Council staff, ministers, and volunteers created and livestreamed national Sunday services several times a year. These services were welcomed while we were quarantined and physical-distancing, and many Unitarian Universalists formed connections with others across the country through coffee hour conversations.
As we have resumed increasing normalcy in our lives, and with congregations meeting in person again, the demand for the national services has dropped. For the 2023-2024 congregational year, here’s what’s coming up:
- On September 28, in honour of the National day of Truth and Reconciliation (September 30th), we are offering a blog post for reflection. We also invite you to rewatch “Unsettled and Unafraid”–the Truth, Healing, and Reconciliation service we produced in 2022–at a time of your congregation’s choosing. (We will not be holding a national service in September this year.)
- On November 26, Revs. Linda Thomson and Anne Barker invite you to attend a national service on the theme of “Reemerging, Reimagining and Renewal.” A recording of the service will also be made available to congregations ahead of time.
- In February, a Sharing Our Faith service video/package will be available for congregations to share at a time of their choosing; there will not be a national service.
- In May there will likely be a national service following the Annual General Meeting. The date has yet to be determined.
We will publish additional details about these services in the eNews as they are confirmed.
Questions? Email executivedirector@cuc.ca
Turning the 8th Principle Inward: An Update from the CUC’s Justice & Equity Team
By Amber Bellemare and Erin Horvath
How can we work together to co-create vibrant and welcoming spaces for all?
To answer this question, the Justice and Equity Team is reaching out to diverse groups. Through discussions, we will identify structures that nurture diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. We will then share the stories we hear–and the lessons we learn–with you in a new blog.
In the blog, the Canadian Unitarian Council (CUC) will look at Unitarian Universalism in Canada through the lens of the 8th Principle. We will turn our gaze inward.
Each blog post will highlight a real-time issue that is challenging folks. We will share solutions that groups have tried. We also will provide resources to help you on the road to greater diversity and inclusion.
We are excited to get “in the weeds” with you. In our discussions, we hope to create a safe space where we can be open and vulnerable. Vulnerability creates more opportunity for growth and belonging.
Our first blog post (Thursday, September 7) will be a short introduction to the team, our approach, and why we care.
The following post (Thursday, September 14) will focus on the history and purpose of the Responsibility Covenant. It will include resources to help your community ensure the emotional and spiritual safety of your guests and members.
On Thursday, September 21, we will share our Culture Shift Tool, a document that helps organizations approach change.
Our fourth blog post (Thursday, September 28) will be about Truth, Healing, and Reconciliation. We will share new and familiar materials that honour the ongoing work to build relationships with our Indigenous neighbours. (We will not be holding an event on September 30, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, this year. Instead, we encourage you to attend events in your community.)
We invite you to share these blog posts widely. They will make excellent content for your social media platforms!
If you know any people or groups doing Unitarian Universalism a little differently–people you think we should feature on the blog–please let us know. You can email us at socialjustice@cuc.ca.
Vote Now in the Youth Observer Elections
By Casey Stainsby, Youth and Young Adult Program Manager
Are you a Unitarian Universalist (UU) youth living in Canada between the ages of 14 and 19? Now is your chance to put the fifth principle into action by voting for the next Youth Observer to the CUC Board, also known as the YOB.
We have two great candidates this year, Lea Bomford-Moore and Jackie Murray. You can read more about them in their own words to help you make your decision.
Whoever is chosen (by you!) will work alongside current YOB Artemisia Frolic-Smart to represent Canadian UU youth at the national level. As well as monthly Board meetings and other tasks, the YOBs support the MyceliUUm Youth Network. It’s an important job!
Voting is a two-step process. First, you need to register to vote. This includes answering a few simple questions so that we know that everyone voting is a UU youth in Canada. Once you register, you will be emailed the link to the voting form. Voting will be open between August 15 and September 12, 2023. In order to make sure each person only votes once, you will be asked to sign in with a Gmail account. This email is not attached to your response, so all votes are anonymous.
Results will be announced soon after voting closes on September 12. Any questions can be directed to Casey Stainsby at casey.stainsby@cuc.ca. Happy voting!
A Love Holding Us: A Service of Healing for the Layers of our Grief
Thursday, August 17, 2023: 5:00 pm PT | 6:00 pm MT | 7:00 pm CT | 8:00 pm ET | 9:00 pm AT
Join on Zoom: https://bit.ly/LoveHoldsUs
We each hold so much. Our youth and young adult communities in particular, over the past few years, have experienced the deaths of some of our own, as well as pandemic losses, ever-rising climate change grief, and all that we each already carry. Let’s come together, and be held.
This service is being held by the Revs. Lara Campbell and Aaron Payson from the Unitarian Universalist Association’s UU Trauma Response Team and Rev. Diane Rollert from the CUC’s Young Adult Pastoral Care Team for our youth and young adult communities, and those who love them.
Register for the 2023 Young Adult Retreat at UniCamp
Friday, September 8, 2023: 6:00 pm ET to Monday, September 11, 2023: noon ET
The Young Adult Retreat is back! Join Unitarian Universalist (UU) young adults (ages 18 to 35) for a wonderful weekend of community, conversation, and outdoor adventures amidst the fall colours. Unicamp provides the perfect setting for a relaxing and rejuvenating retreat with new and old UU friends.
Registration (including meals and accommodations) is offered on a sliding scale, from $80 to $190. Subsidies are available to help with registration and travel costs. Learn more about the Dawning Future Youth and Young Adult Subsidy Fund. Applications for funding must be received by August 21.
Register by midnight PT on Tuesday September 5, 2023.
Connect and Deepen: Fall Sessions
September 24, October 15, November 19, and December 17, 2023
1:00 pm PT| 2:00 pm MT| 3:00 pm CT| 4:00 pm ET| 5:00 pm AT (1.5 hours)
Looking for connection? Connect and Deepen is an online community for adults interested in meaningful reflection, conversation, and shared ideas for living our values. Hosted by your Congregational Life Team of Revs. Linda Thomson and Anne Barker, this is a welcoming space that encourages spiritual as well as philosophical exploration, to put these explorations into action.
Meetings begin with a time for connection–sharing joys and concerns–before moving into a chosen theme for the day. We examine a wide range of topics from the importance of play and finding joy to living UU values in our daily lives.
Participants appreciate the connections they have found with each other. Some thoughts shared in a recent survey:
I value our time very much. It grounds and centres me.
Any content that draws me out of myself to share is wonderful.
I enjoy sharing thought-provoking materials and dialogues.
We invite you to join us for the following sessions:
To learn more about Connect and Deepen or to register, please visit our website.
Leaders’ Roundtable: Youth Advisor Training Info Session
Saturday, September 30, 2023
9:00 am PT | 10:00 am MT | 11:00 am CT | 12:00 pm ET | 1:00 pm AT | 1:30 pm NT (1.5 hours)
Does your community want to increase youth participation? Do you have adults who are interested in supporting youth ministry, but don’t know what comes next? Do you hope to revitalize your ministry with (and to) youth within your community but don’t know where to start?
Pulling together a youth-advising team for a Unitarian Universalist community takes intentionality, balance, and creativity. This fall, Rev. Danielle Webber and special guests are excited to offer a four-session, online training program that will help participants:
- Understand the foundations of good programming;
- Reflect on the role of advisors in a youth group;
- Consider what youth empowerment means;
- Examine the characteristics of a healthy youth group;
- Consider the importance of a youth group in the congregation; and, lastly,
- Discuss the challenges that face youth, including challenges that the pandemic has placed on our congregations.
Adapting to the changing, dynamic needs of our youth is a central principle of any effective youth program. And the last three years have certainly been dynamic! We highly suggest congregations send teams of youth and adults to this training program. The program will include experiential learning and discussion groups, both of which should incorporate youth that will be present in your ministry. Speak to a leader in your congregation (perhaps the Director of your youth programming, the minister, or the religious exploration committee) about putting together a balanced and creative team.
Registration for youth advisor training will open soon. In the meantime, please join Rev. Danielle on September 30 for an information session, and get all your questions about the training program answered. Register for the information session today.
Hello Canadian Unitarian Universalist Decision Makers
Saturday, October 21, 2023: Practicing Together – Sociocracy
Saturday, November 18, 2023: Practicing Together – Formal Consensus
10:00 am PT | 11:00 am MT | 12:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm ET | 2:00 pm AT (2 hours)
The Canadian Unitarian Council’s Decision Making Exploration Team is very excited to continue its work this Fall. If you were not able to attend “How We Make Decisions” on June 20, 2023, you can read a summary of the workshop. We have two more sessions scheduled: “Practicing Together – Sociocracy” (October 21, 2023) and “Practicing Together – Formal Consensus” (November 18, 2023). To attend, please click the links and register on the CUC website.
Your Congregational Life Team is inviting you to . . . Save these Dates
By Rev. Linda Thomson and Rev. Anne Barker
Working Well Together
November 25, 2023
9:30 am PT | 10:30 am MT | 11:30 am CT | 12:30 pm ET | 1:30 pm AT
We hope you’ll join us for a full day of programming on the theme of “Working Well Together.”
We’ll focus on how the larger cultural tensions of our time impact our Unitarian Universalist communities and congregations. This day will include ways to prepare and respond thoughtfully and with intention, along with opportunities to share your concerns, ideas, and initiatives. And don’t worry–it’s not all work! There will be nurturing and nourishing space as well.
National Service: Reemerging, Reimagining, & Renewal
Sunday November 26, 2023
10:00 PT | 11:00 MT | 12:00 CT | 1:00 ET | 2:00 AT
Join us via Zoom or on the Canadian Unitarian Council’s YouTube Channel for a national Sunday service, or share the recording at your congregation’s regular service time. (A recording of the full service will be available in advance.)
Full details for the weekend are coming soon. Watch for an update in the September issue of the eNews.
Coming Soon: Fall Youth Con in British Columbia
The youth groups at Vancouver Unitarians and North Shore Unitarians are hosting a con from Friday, November 10 to Sunday, November 12, 2023. It will take place at the Unitarian Church of Vancouver.
We will release more details about the youth con as they are confirmed. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the con please contact Olivia Hall.
Meaning Making in Liminal Times
A Sustained Conversation on Six Questions for Our Time
By Rev. Karen Fraser Gitlitz
What are the questions that will help us flourish as individuals, families, and communities? Join a cross-Canada conversation hosted by six Canadian UU ministers, each inviting you to consider a question for this time.
A team of ministers is offering one Sunday service and one adult religious education conversation per month, October to April (excluding December). The preachers will be Arran Morton, Brian Kiely, Debra Faulk, Karen Fraser Gitlitz, Meg Roberts, and Samaya Oakley.
The worship package for congregations includes six Sunday services for the price of two guest preachers. (There is a sliding scale from $500 to $800 for the program.) A full recording of each service will be provided. We will also provide a recording of the sermon only–with accompanying script–so you can bring the service to life in person in your congregation.
Congregations will sign up for the services, with congregants being able to sign up individually for the monthly adult religious education program. Each conversation will be facilitated by the preacher of that month’s service. Individual registration for the religious education program will be based on a sliding scale from $35 to $140 ($5 to $20 per session).
Congregational registration is now open. It closes September 15. For more information or to register, contact karen@ucsaskatoon.org.
Canadian Unitarian Universalists seeking Loving Justice
Submitted by The Loving Justice Team*
Last year, on November 12, 2022, Maiken (Dani) Cooper (they/them), a young adult connected to the North Shore Unitarians in West Vancouver, was killed by an RCMP officer while they were experiencing a mental health crisis.** Maiken grew up as a Unitarian Universalist (UU), participating in several leadership programs. They were active in organizing a variety of youth and young adult conferences and spoke at national events. In 2016, at the Canadian Unitarian Council’s National Conference Sunday service, Maiken had this to say to us: “ . . . we can speak and act now, and in fact, we must, if we are going to turn violence into peace, love, hope and friendship. We must live a life of radical love, and we can only get there by being bolder.” You can watch the whole worship service on the CUC’s YouTube channel.
Because of this call toward radical love, and because of their murder, a small group of individuals has formed a team called Loving Justice. Our goal is to promote and advance critical conversations about the role of police in our society, including conversations about abolishing the police. We challenge the intersecting forms of oppression Maiken faced during their life, with attention to the experiences of the trans+ (transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary) community, criminalized drug users, those living in poverty, and those living with mental illness.
In May, we created a list of resources specifically curated for Canadian Unitarian Universalists. Our next project is to create a packet of worship resources to help congregations mark the Transgender Day of Remembrance.
Trans Day of Remembrance, held annually on November 20th, is a day to memorialize those who have lost their lives as a result of transphobia. Many congregations already mark this day every year, and the Loving Justice team hopes to inspire more communities to join them. We will be gathering worship resources, such as opening and closing words, hymns, readings, music and homilies; we also will suggest advocacy and support organizations across Canada that your community can connect with or donate to.
If you have worship or other resources that you think could be part of this packet, either written by you or someone else, we would love to hear from you! Please send them to lovingjusticeuu@proton.me before October 1, 2023. The team will produce a packet to be shared widely by October 15, so that your community can use the materials for a service on November 12 (the anniversary of Maiken/Dani’s death) or November 19 (to honour Trans Day of Remembrance).
*Loving Justice is a small, grassroots team created by Olivia Hall, Rory Brimacombe, Gaby Lamoureux, Arielle Canning, Casey Stainsby, and Rev. Danielle Webber. If you have any questions about their work or if you are interested in connecting with the team, please contact them directly at lovingjusticeuu@proton.me. The Canadian Unitarian Council does not speak on their behalf.
**On August 3, 2023, the Independent Investigations Office released a report stating that it found no wrongdoing by the RCMP officer involved in the shooting. The National Voice Team has issued a statement in response.
Apply for a West Trust Grant
By Shelley Motz
The West Bequest Trust, administered by a board of trustees in Halifax, Nova Scotia, is currently accepting applications for funding for projects which advance our Unitarian Universalist Principles. All applications must be received by Friday, October 6, 2023. For more information, read the article about the West Bequest Trust in the June 2023 issue of the CUC eNews.
Did You Know?
Your Donations Help the CUC Grow Vital Unitarian Universalist Communities
When you give to the Friends of the CUC, Sharing our Faith, or one of several other funds we maintain you help Unitarian Universalist individuals, congregations, and organizations thrive. For example, in May 2023, we awarded $46,800 in Theological Education Funds and Sharing Our Faith grants. We could not have done it without your support.
Make a tax-deductible donation online today or mail a cheque to:
Canadian Unitarian Council
@Centre for Social Innovation
#302 192 Spadina Ave
Toronto, ON M5T 2C2
Job Opportunities
- Join the CUC’s staff team! The CUC is hiring a Financial and Administrative Assistant to join our collaborative staff team. We invite applications from qualified candidates, and encourage Indigenous, Black and People of Colour, and people of all sexual identities and orientations to apply. Check out the job posting here.
- Neighbourhood Unitarian Universalist Congregation is searching for a part-time Director of Lifespan Learning. Apply to work in this “heart-centred” congregation.
- The Kingston Unitarian Fellowship is searching for an innovative, creative Lifespan Religious Exploration Coordinator to join their team!
What’s Making Us Smile
Rev. Rod Solano-Quesnel introduced several members of the Canadian Unitarian Council’s staff and Board to The Kiffness, a man who makes music with people and animals around the world. This ancient Husky melody is one example that makes us smile.
CUC Events from August 15 to December 31, 2023
Share what’s going on in your congregation. Contact communications@cuc.ca
A Love Holding Us: A Service of Healing for the Layers of our Grief
Aug. 17: 5:00 pm PT | 6:00 pm MT | 7:00 pm CT | 8:00 pm ET | 9:00 pm AT
UniCamp Young Adult (YA) Retreat
Sept. 8-11
Gathered Here
Sept. 19: 5:00 pm PT | 6:00 pm MT | 7:00 pm CT | 8:00 pm ET | 9:00 pm AT | 9:30 pm NT
Connect and Deepen: Seasons of Change with Rev. Anne Barker
Sept. 24: 1:00 pm PT | 2:00 pm MT | 3:00 pm CT | 4:00 pm ET | 5:00 pm AT | 5:30 pm NT (1.5 hours)
Youth Advisor Training Info Session: Leaders’ Roundtable
Sept. 30: 9:00 am PT | 10:00 am MT | 11:00 am CT | 12:00 pm ET | 1:00 pm AT | 1:30 pm NT (1.5 hours)
Lay Chaplains’ Chat
Oct. 2: 4:30 pm PT | 5:30 pm MT | 6:30 pm CT | 7:30 pm ET | 8:30 pm AT | 9:00 pm NT (1.5 hours)
Rising Together: Unitarian Universalists of Colour
Oct. 11: 4:30 pm PT | 5:30 pm MT | 6:30 pm CT | 7:30 pm ET | 8:30 pm AT | 9:00 pm NT (1.5 hours)
Gathered Here
Oct. 13: 11:00 am PT | 12:00 pm MT | 1:00 pm CT | 2:00 pm ET | 3:00 pm AT | 3:30 pm NT
Connect and Deepen: Being Good Ancestors with Rev. Linda Thomson
Oct. 15: 1:00 pm PT | 2:00 pm MT | 3:00 pm CT | 4:00 pm ET | 5:00 pm AT | 5:30 pm NT (1.5 hours)
Decision Making Exploration Team: Practicing Together – Sociocracy Decision-Making
Oct. 21: 10:00 am PT | 11:00 am MT | 12:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm ET | 2:00 pm AT | 2:30 pm NT (2 hours)
Gathered Here
Nov. 14: 5:00 pm PT | 6:00 pm MT | 7:00 pm CT | 8:00 pm ET | 9:00 pm AT | 9:30 pm NT
Decision Making Exploration Team: Practicing Together – Formal Consensus Decision Making
Nov. 18: 10:00 am PT | 11:00 am MT | 12:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm ET | 2:00 pm AT | 2:30 pm NT (2 hours)
Connect and Deepen: Looking for Light with Rev. Linda Thomson
Nov. 19: 1:00 pm PT | 2:00 pm MT | 3:00 pm CT | 4:00 pm ET | 5:00 pm AT | 5:30 pm NT (1.5 hours)
Working Well Together with Revs. Linda Thomson and Anne Barker
Nov. 25: 9:30 am PT | 10:30 am MT | 11:30 am CT | 12:30 pm ET | 1:30 pm AT | 2:00 pm NT
National Sunday Service: Reemerging, Reimagining and Renewal
Nov. 26: 10:00 am PT | 11:00 am MT | 12:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm ET | 2:00 pm AT | 2:30 pm NT
Gathered Here
Dec. 8: 11:00 am PT | 12:00 pm MT | 1:00 pm CT | 2:00 pm ET | 3:00 pm AT | 3:30 pm NT
Connect and Deepen: Winter Dreaming with Rev. Anne Barker
Dec. 17: 1:00 pm PT | 2:00 pm MT | 3:00 pm CT | 4:00 pm ET | 5:00 pm AT | 5:30 pm NT (1.5 hours)