Unitarian Services

Check out our list of congregations, to see which might be a good one to visit and attend a service.

Meaning Making – Service Series

We’ve heard from many how helpful the Meaning Making in Liminal Times, sermon series was for many congregations.

Good News!  Rev. Karen Fraser Gitlitz is planning another, updated series.  Join the Meaning Making project for the 2024-25 congregational year and join a community of congregations exploring the roots of resilience in these liminal times.

What does resilience feel like in our bodies? How do we recognize and support resilience in our communities? What are the theologies, values, and practices that support our individual, communal, and societal resilience?

New this year, we are offering theme packages as well as worship services, each connected to one of our 8 monthly themes. If you want information about the Roots of Resilience program, you can contact Rev. Karen Fraser Gitlitz.