When to Contact the CUC

Who We Are

The Canadian Unitarian Council is the national association of Canadian Unitarian Universalist congregations. It acts as a beacon for Unitarian Universalist communities across Canada, providing you with leadership, support and connection as you foster a just and sustainable world and to enrich the spiritual lives of individuals.

We envision a world in which our interdependence calls us to love and justice, and aspire to be:

  • Deeply connected
  • Radically inclusive
  • Actively engaged
  • Theologically alive
  • Spiritually grounded

Youth & Young Adult Ministry

Contact us when you want to . . .

    • Learn how to better support your ministries with youth and young adults
    • Provide training and leadership opportunities to youth in your community
    • Connect young adults with each other
    • Run safe and responsible youth programming and events
    • Access Our Whole Lives (OWL) Sexuality resources and training

You can also reach out to us when youth in your community want to attend a youth con or connect with other UU youth online.

Email us at youth@cuc.ca or at OWL@cuc.ca

Justice & Equity

Contact us when you want to . . .

    • Find out more about the CUC’s justice, equity, inclusion, and environmental work
    • Get resources and support to address a justice, equity, or inclusion matter
    • Mobilize action around a national or international justice issue
    • Engage in truth & reconciliation work

Email us at SocialJustice@cuc.ca or at Reconciliation@cuc.ca

Congregational Life

Organizational Development

    • Revisit your vision or mission
    • Develop a strategic plan
    • Improve your organizational structure
    • Find out how to adapt when your congregation is growing (or not)

Training and Skills Development

    • Hold a Board orientation or training session
    • Deliver training for leaders, religious education professionals, youth advisors, etc.
    • Learn how to be more welcoming and inclusive

Ministerial Transitions

    • Say goodbye to an outgoing minister
    • Search for and welcome a new minister
    • Clarify your committee on ministry’s role


    • Connect with other leaders in roles like yours
    • Find (or share) information and resources

Problem Solving and Conflict Resolution

    • Call us when you get “stuck” navigating differences in opinions
    • Get help preventing and managing conflict

Email us at CongregationalLife@cuc.ca

Lay Chaplaincy

Contact us when you want to provide training, information, or support to your lay chaplains; and when you want to license or retire a lay chaplain.

Email us at lcc@cuc.ca

Refugee Support

Contact us when you want help with a new or existing refugee sponsorship application.

Email us at Refugee@cuc.ca


Contact us when you want to . . .

    • Promote your program or events
    • Discuss the CUC’s website, social media, national statements, or other communications

Email us at Communications@cuc.ca


Contact us when you want to . . .

    • Update your congregational leadership membership information
    • Get help with general queries

Email us at info@cuc.ca


Contact the Executive Director to . . .

    • Learn about our national and international work and our affiliations
    • Ask questions about governance, policies, resolutions, or charitable status
    • All other issues and concerns

Email us at ExecutiveDirector@cuc.ca

CUC Board Contacts

Contact the Board of Trustees to discuss governance, policy, vision, and long-term goals.

CUC Phone Numbers

    • Phone: 416-489-4121
    • Toll free: 888-568-5723