Lay Chaplaincy Quiz

Introduction to Lay Chaplaincy Quiz The CUC National Lay Chaplaincy Committee is pleased to offer a self-study guide, Intro to Lay Chaplaincy Self Study Guide. We also recommend reviewing our Congregational Lay Chaplaincy Programme...

Tips – Inclusive Congregations

Tips for Intentionally Inclusive Congregations  September marks the beginning of another church year. It’s an exciting time,  a chance to launch new programs or projects, to resume committee work, and to reconnect with friends....

eNews September 18, 2024

eNews: September 18, 2024 – Issue 164 This Issue: Letter from the Unitarian Universalist Ministers of Canada (UUMOC) Congregations Experiencing Ministerial Transitions National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Meet a Lay Chaplain: Guy Belleperche...

eNews July 21, 2020

CUC eNews: July 21, 2020 – Issue 117 In This Issue: Letter From Vyda Sunday Summer Services Series Underway Congregational Survey Results Are In! Save the Date for Regional and National Virtual Gathering! Black...

Past Annual Conferences and General Meetings

Past Annual Conferences and General Meetings   2024 Annual General Meeting The CUC’s 2024 Annual General Meeting was held online on  May 25, 2024. The items of business conducted included: – election of the CUC...


ScandaloUUS: April 2019 Welcome to the new Canadian Unitarian Council’s tabloid, ScandaloUUs, now replacing the CUC weekly eNews! Get the latest juicy UU tidbits here – you won’t believe what you’re about to read!...

eNews March 22, 2023

CUC eNews: March 22, 2023 – Issue 148 In This Issue: Letter from Vyda Ng Register Today 2023 National Symposium: Living Into the 8th Principle Leaders’ Roundtable: Annual General Meeting (AGM) Plenary Discussion CUC...

Reflections on the 8th Principle

Taking Time to Reflect on the 8th Principle The Canadian Unitarian Council invites you to join us in a self-guided reflection series. We want to keep the national conversation going about how we live...

eNews February 21, 2024

eNews: February 21, 2024 – Issue 158 This Issue: A Letter from Vyda Meet a Music Director International Women’s Day packet from CUUWA CUC Annual General Meeting Information CUC Fund Deadlines Approaching Right Relations...