CUC National Sunday Worship Services

The Canadian Unitarian Council organizes and presents National Sunday Worship Services several times a year.

These worships are on YouTube to be shared with your Unitarian Communities.


Worship Services by Date

DateTitle (Links to the full text/video)
May 19, 2024 My Muzungu Eyes Are Improvingl
November 26, 2023Reemerging, Reimagining and Renewal
May 21, 2023Bringing Promises to Life
November 20, 2022Living Into Covenant
September 25, 2022Unsettled and Unafraid
May 15, 2022Breathing Meditation
February 6, 2022The Path of the 8th Principle
May 16, 2021Sustaining Our Light - Part II
November 15, 2020Sustaining Our Light - Part I
May 17, 2020One Storm - Many Ships
May 28, 2018An Invitation to Love and Justice
May 22, 2016Sunday Worship
May 18, 2014Experience of “Sunday Worship”