Grants and Subsidies

CUC subsidies are available to fulfill specific needs

These subsidies include:

Rev. Rod Fund for Youth and Young Adults
This subsidy’s goal is to help youth and young adults to attend regional, national, and continental conferences and leadership development opportunities.

Edward Bevan Ratcliffe Leadership Development Subsidy
This subsidy’s goal is to help leaders to attend regional, national, and continental conferences and leadership development opportunities.

Sharing Our Faith
The Sharing Our Faith program provides funds for congregational initiatives which enhance ministry, aid congregational projects and outreach, and enhance the Unitarian Universalist movement in Canada.

Theological Education Funds
CUC Theological Education Funds (TEF) bursaries are intended to assist Canadian Unitarian Universalists with expenses incurred while studying for the ministry.

West Trust Grants
Unitarian congregations seeking to promote Unitarian Universalism’s eight principles can gain some extra funding towards their efforts by applying for a grant from the West Trust.