eNews: September 18, 2024 – Issue 164

This Issue:

Letter from the Unitarian Universalist Ministers of Canada (UUMOC)
By Rev. Samaya Oakley and Rev. Ben Robins
Co-Presidents, Unitarian Universalist Ministers of Canada

As Co-Presidents of the UU Ministers of Canada, and members of your CUC National Voice Team, we have been sitting with the question: When do we boldly speak our own personal views, and when do we encourage conversation among the range of views found within UU congregations? 

At a time when we can’t take basic freedoms for granted, when polarizing politics threatens (and even takes) lives, there can be an urgent need for bold speech as a rallying cry, to motivate kindred spirits to take a stand now. Sometimes bold speech even changes minds – your impassioned sharing from the heart can compel someone to take notice and rethink their beliefs or make space for more facts.

But studies of political movements also reveal the importance of listening before speaking; gaining rapport before being heard.

Perhaps you know the story of two friends, Sun and Wind, who challenge each other to remove a passerby’s jacket. Wind blows and blows, but the harder they blow, the more tightly the passerby clamps down. Sun simply comes out from behind a cloud. The passerby pauses, senses the warmth, releases their grip, removes their jacket, and opens their heart to the day.

Sometimes we need Wind to stir things up, and sometimes we need Sun to bring openness and connection.

If the roaring political winds have made you clamp down in self-protection (individually or as a collective), or made you fill your own lungs with a roar, it’s not fair to ask you to shine like the sun, or to remove your jacket and immediately trust in the warmth of another.

And, we have also seen the transformation that can happen when two people meet with no agenda other than to sit in the sun together and share a slushy (or, as Rumi imagined, when two people are willing to meet in a field beyond thoughts of right or wrong).

We have seen the transformation that can happen, in youth groups, at young adult retreats, in small group discussions, when everyone agrees to “take space and make space”. I will come in from the edge of the room, and you will move off-center, so that there is room for both of us. And vice versa.

As we write this, we imagine sitting in a circle with you, and going around the circle and hearing from everyone: When is it is easy/hard for you to speak boldly like Wind? When is it easy/hard for you to shine your light like Sun? What makes you clamp down on your jacket, and what makes you open to something new? Sitting in that circle, we envision listening each other into being.

And then maybe we’ll see you in the streets, working for justice.

Congregations Experiencing Ministerial Transitions

Two Canadian congregations recently announced new ministers:

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation commemorates the tragic and painful history and ongoing impacts of residential schools.  As well as attending community events to mark this day, we invite you to read last year’s Call and Response blog, Uncolonize or Decolonize? which provides some information about the distinction between these two types of action needed for living into Indigenous sovereignty. 

 In addition Imagine Canada is hosting a free webinar, Reconciliation in Action: The Role of the Charitable & Nonprofit Sector, on Thursday, September 26th at 2:00PM ET. The webinar aims to provide practical guidance around how the nonprofit sector can be actively involved in reconciliation efforts. During this action-oriented session, panelists will discuss how charities and nonprofits can take concrete steps towards supporting Indigenous-led initiatives and addressing systemic barriers.

Meet a Lay Chaplain: Guy Belleperche

Guy Belleperche has served as a lay chaplain for the First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa and the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Ottawa since 2021. He was drawn to lay chaplaincy by the opportunity rituals offer to mark events and bring people together.

“I liked the possibility of being able to personalize services for people,” he says. “Drawing aspects from different faith traditions. And really making it about the person or persons being celebrated.”

A service that particularly stands out in Guy’s memory was a celebration of life he performed for an Indigenous man earlier this year. The event incorporated participation from Indigenous elders, Indigenous music, and several speakers from the Indigenous community. 

“I loved being able to create a space where that could all come together to honor the life of somebody who was very remarkable in his service to his community and in service to his family, and who was taken far too young,” he says. “So a very sad occasion, but a really wonderful tribute to his life and his legacy.”

Guy believes the fact that Unitarian Universalism draws on a variety of religious traditions in crafting rituals speaks to lay chaplaincy’s importance as an expression of this faith. He also values the exposure lay chaplaincy gives Unitarian Universalism to people who might know little about it otherwise.

“II’s both offering a service to the community, but also inviting the community to learn more about who and what we are,” he says.

Guy recommends that people who are considering lay chaplaincy be comfortable with public speaking and have a strong sense of their own spirituality. He also believes it’s a process of continuous learning for those willing to engage in it.

“Once you are in lay chaplaincy, whether you’re a member of your late chaplaincy committee or a practicing lay chaplain or involved in training somehow, spend time engaging with that community because the learning never stops. Things move forward. In teaching others, you learn yourself. And in learning from others, you enrich your teachers as well.”

Join Our Exciting Social Media and Website Workshops!

Are you ready to take your online presence to the next level? We’ve got just the thing for you!

Join us for two engaging and practical workshops this fall designed to help you enhance your social media and website management skills. These interactive sessions are perfect for anyone responsible for managing your congregation’s online platforms. Plus, you’ll get hands-on experience and plenty of fun along the way!

Workshop 1: Basics of Social Media and Website Management
September 28 – 10:00 am PT | 11:00 am MT | 12:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm ET | 2:00 pm AT | 2:30 pm NT (2 hours)

    • Agenda:
      • Introduction and Welcome (10 minutes)
      • Website Basics (45 minutes)
      • Q&A Session (15 minutes)
      • Break (10 minutes)
      • Social Media Basics (45 minutes)
      • Q&A Session (15 minutes)

Workshop 2: Practical Application and Q&A
October 2 – 4:30 pm PT | 5:30 pm MT | 6:30 pm CT | 7:30 pm ET | 8:30 pm AT | 9:00 pm NT (2 hours)

    • Agenda:
      • Introduction and Welcome (10 minutes)
      • Website Practical Application (45 minutes)
      • Q&A Session (15 minutes)
      • Break (10 minutes)
      • Social Media Practical Application (45 minutes)
      • Q&A Session (15 minutes)

Why You Should Attend:

    • Hands-On Experience: Get practical tips and tricks you can apply immediately.
    • Expert Guidance: Learn from experienced professionals who understand the unique needs of CUC congregations.
    • Interactive Sessions: Share your experiences, ask questions, and get personalized advice.
    • Fun and Engaging: We promise it won’t be all work and no play!

How This Will Help Your Congregation:

    • Boost Your Online Presence: Learn how to effectively manage your social media and website to attract and engage your audience.
    • Tailored Strategies: Develop strategies that align with your congregation’s goals and values.
    • Build a Strong Team: Understand how to build and maintain a dedicated team for consistent online engagement.
    • Stay Updated: Keep up with the latest trends and best practices in social media and website management.

A Special Co-Lab Invite: In-Person Saturday Satellite Options!

We hope you’re getting excited about our upcoming National Co-Lab Event November 1-3, 2024 – we certainly are! Advance materials will begin arriving in your in-box October 1st. Register before September 30 and you’ll have an opportunity to give feedback on some of our design options. 

Today’s special invitation is that you (congregations / communities / small groups) consider hosting an In-person Saturday Satellite Gathering, where you join the Co-Lab Zoom together as one window, and form your own breakout groups in person. If you’re intrigued, or have questions, send us an email. You’ll receive a “Co-Lab Saturday Satellite Gatherings” (try saying that quickly!) info sheet and answers to your concerns. If you sign up to host an open gathering, and have room for others, we’ll be delighted to promote your congregation or community space. And, if you prefer a small group of friends in your living room, that works too! 

The on-line individual experience is shaping up to be exciting, inspiring, and a great way to interact with folks across the country. At the same time, if you gather with others for the Saturday Sessions, combining the virtual and in-person experience, you may have an even deeper, richer, connection with the material. Plus, you can share food! 

The Co-Lab mission is to foster authentic connections, ignite inspiration, and explore big questions about change, transformation, and renewal, all in harmony with our UU values. Who better to be having these conversations with than your congregation, your community, your friends?

In case this is fresh news for you, CUC Co-Lab is a weekend gathering November 1-3, 2024, focussed on hope, stories of transformation, and co-creating a thriving future. The event includes:

    • A Friday night launch (running twice: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm ET & 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm PT – pick your preference!)
    • 3 Saturday interactive workshops
    • A Sunday National Service (available in advance to congregations)
    • and an optional debrief Sunday afternoon … if you just didn’t get enough

You’ll find information and registration details HERE. Email us for more info. 

2024 Congregational Conversations Living Resource Guide

New this fall! 2024 Congregational Conversations Living Resource Guide

The 2024 Congregational Conversations Living Resource Guide contains the collaborative wisdom of participants in the CUC Congregational Conversations project. The Guide will be updated as conversations continue and more resources are known.

Got a great resource? Please share to: congregationallife@cuc.ca
Or better yet, join us for the next conversation!

Details & Registration: Congregational Conversations 2024-2025


Congregational Conversations Return …

Congregational Conversations Return … September 18th, 2024
All fall Conversations: 10:00 am PT | 11:00 am MT | 12:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm ET | 2:30 pm AT | 2:30 pm NT (90 minutes)

Emerging Needs” is the hot topic. The season began Saturday September 14th with a repeat session on Wednesday September 18th. What’s going on for you right now and what do you most want to connect around? Help us to prioritize what follows.

Next Up:
Friday October 25th: Pastoral Care
Wednesday October 30th: Your preference here !

Details & Registration: Congregational Conversations 2024-2025


Connect & Deepen

Connect & Deepen … Saturday September 21st, 2024
1:00 pm PT | 2:00 pm MT | 3:00 pm CT | 4:00pm ET | 5:00 pm AT / 5:30 pm NT (90 minutes)
Same time … new day! 

Next Up:
Saturday September 21: Caring

What does it mean to be a Caring person? Or a Caring community? Reflecting on our 8 Principles, 5 Aspirations, and other UU inspirations, how does being UU impact our experiences and ideals of Caring?     Host: Anne Barker

Looking for connection? Connect & Deepen is an online community for adults interested in meaningful reflection, conversation, and shared ideas for living our values. Details & Registration: Connect & Deepen

Gathered Here meets Connect & Deepen

Welcome to the season of change!  

For Fall 2024, as we play around with the findings of the Young Adults & Beyond Final Report and also navigate staff transitions at the CUC, we’re going to try something different with our monthly drop-in programs. For September and November, Gathered Here, our virtual drop-in community space for young adults (ages 18-35), will run normally. This free space is hosted by Maya Ferguson Klinowki, a young adult from Toronto, along with a minister of the Pastoral Care Team for young adults. Drop-ins center on reflections on a theme and the ritual of sharing our joys and sorrows with the community as candles are lit. 

In the months of October and December, young adults are invited to join Connect & Deepen, a similar small group ministry style drop-in led by the Congregational Life Team. While young adults are always welcome at this all-ages event, for these two months, a Pastoral Care Team minister will also be present to provide a familiar face. Connect & Deepen is also structured around exploring spiritual themes that are alive in the Canadian UU world. 

Our hope is that this experiment will offer a bridge to more intergenerational relationship building while maintaining opportunities for young adults to connect with each other in beloved community. 

Input on Decision-Making Options

The Decision Making Exploration Team is inviting your input on how the CUC makes decisions nationally at Annual General Meetings (AGMs). After two years of conversations and consultations, the Team’s Deciding Together report was submitted to the AGM in May 2024. The report proposed several options that could be pursued and we are looking for feedback from Canadian UUs about each of these. There are two ways to provide input:

    1. Saturday, October 5 (register here):
      10:00 am PT | 11:00 am MT | 12:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm ET | 2:00 pm AT | 2:30 pm NT (2 hours)

      • Provides a brief overview of the current process, the report’s recommendations, and an opportunity to provide feedback.
      • Maximizes available time for participant input.
    2. Feedback survey, open through October 6: respond here 

You can choose either of the above options to provide your input. The full Deciding Together report is available here (2-page executive summary and 14-page report).

Reminder: The Rev. Rod Fund for Youth and Young Adults 

The Rev. Rod Fund for Youth and Young Adults honours the memory of Rev. Rodrigo Emilio Solano-Quesnel and his legacy of love and hope. The Fund provides financial assistance to Unitarian Universalist youth (14-19), young adults (18-35) and youth advisors to help them attend regional, national and continental conferences and faith development events. Attending these events is an important way for youth and young adults to build connections and to find space for spiritual enrichment and growth. Subsidies help make events more financially accessible and inclusive to as many people as possible, though we encourage applicants to seek other partial sources of funding as well.

The Rev. Rod Fund is funded by donations and event revenues. We are grateful for the generosity of our members and supporters.

Donate to the Rev. Rod Fund for Youth and Young Adults


Unicamp Young Adult Retreat

Young Adults (and one young-adult-in-development) gathered at Unicamp of Ontario from September 13-16. There was dancing, singing, bonfire-ing, lots of good eating, swimming, walking the labyrinth, frog-watching, meandering, talking, exploring, new friend-making, sitting, game-playing, lying-in-the-sun, community-making and being-together-and-thriving. 

Thank you to Raven Booth who created a relaxing and welcoming space, to Brenagh Rappaport for incredible meals all weekend, and to Ahna DiFelice for CUC staff support. 

To help youth and young adult (YaYA) connections and gatherings continue to happen, give to the Rev. Rod Fund. Rod believed deeply nurturing YaYA growth and leadership and was an advocate for YaYAengagement and belonging in Unitarian and Universalist spaces. 

Did You Know?

In the last few months, five Canadian congregations have affirmed new ministers for 2024 and beyond. Your CUC Congregational Life staff, Rev. Linda Thomson and Rev. Anne Barker, are integrally involved in supporting congregations through this process, from the initial search process through to start-up conversations and planning. 

Did you also know that ministers coming from the US to Canada are faced with a unique set of challenges regarding immigration, work permits, opening bank accounts, renting or buying housing, importing cars (and pets)? CUC staff work with congregations, ministers and the UUA Transitions Office to wade through the immigration and legal processes, and to provide accurate information to ministers.

If your congregation plans to import a US minister in the next year, contact congregationallife@cuc.ca – it will save you a lot of time!

October eNews 

Please note that the October eNews will be coming out October 23, a week later than usual.

What’s Making Us Smile

Bears, it seems, have very discerning taste. That’s the result of a not particularly scientific experiment undertaken by a Turkish beekeeper who videotaped local bears dipping into his honey stores.

CUC Events from September 18, 2024 to December 31, 2024

Share what’s going on in your congregation. Contact communications@cuc.ca

Congregational Conversations: Emerging Needs (Online)
Sept. 18: 10:00 am PT | 11:00 am MT | 12:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm ET | 2:00 pm AT | 2:30 pm NT

Online Goodbye and Appreciation Event (Online)
Sept. 19: 4:00 pm PT | 5:00 pm MT | 6:00 pm CT | 7:00 pm ET | 8:00 pm AT | 8:30 pm NT

Connect and Deepen (Online)
Sept. 21: 1:00 pm PT | 2:00 pm MT | 3:00 pm CT | 4:00 pm ET | 5:00 pm AT | 5:30 pm NT

Social Media and Website Workshops for CUC Congregations – 2 Parts (Online)
Sept. 28: Part 1 – 10:00 am PT | 11:00 am MT | 12:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm ET | 2:00 pm AT | 2:30 pm NT
Oct. 2: Part 2 –
4:30 pm PT | 5:30 pm MT | 6:30 pm CT | 7:30 pm ET | 8:30 pm AT | 9:00 pm NT 

Deciding Together (Online)
Sept. 21: Rescheduled to Oct. 5

Oct. 5: 10:00 am PT | 11:00 am MT | 12:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm ET | 2:00 pm AT | 2:30 pm NT

Lay Chaplains Chat (Online)
Oct. 7: 4:30 pm PT | 5:30 pm MT | 6:30 pm CT | 7:30 pm ET | 8:30 pm AT | 9:00 pm NT

Rising Together: Unitarian Universalists of Colour (Online)
Oct. 9: 4:30 pm PT | 5:30 pm MT | 6:30 pm CT | 7:30 pm ET | 8:30 pm AT | 9:00 pm NT

Congregational Conversations: Pastoral Care for Lay Led Congregations (Online)
Oct. 25: 10:00 am PT | 11:00 am MT | 12:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm ET | 2:00 pm AT | 2:30 pm NT 

Connect and Deepen (Online)
Oct. 26: 1:00 pm PT | 2:00 pm MT | 3:00 pm CT | 4:00 pm ET | 5:00 pm AT | 5:30 pm NT

Congregational Conversations: Topic to be determined (Online)
Oct. 30: 10:00 am PT | 11:00 am MT | 12:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm ET | 2:00 pm AT | 2:30 pm NT

CUC Co-Lab: Experiences of Transformation (Online)
Nov. 1 – 3

National Worship Sunday Service
Nov. 3: 10:00 am PT | 11:00 am MT | 12:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm ET | 2:00 pm AT | 2:30 pm NT 

Gathered Here
Nov. 12: 5:00 pm PT | 6:00 pm MT | 7:00 pm CT | 8:00 pm ET | 9:00 pm AT | 9:30 pm NT 

Rising Together: Unitarian Universalists of Colour (Online)
Nov. 13: 4:30 pm PT | 5:30 pm MT | 6:30 pm CT | 7:30 pm ET | 8:30 pm AT | 9:00 pm NT

Connect and Deepen (Online)
Nov. 16: 1:00 pm PT | 2:00 pm MT | 3:00 pm CT | 4:00 pm ET | 5:00 pm AT | 5:30 pm NT

Congregational Conversations: Communications Needs & Resources (Online)
Nov. 20: 10:00 am PT | 11:00 am MT | 12:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm ET | 2:00 pm AT | 2:30 pm NT 

Congregational Conversations: Topic to be determined (Online)
Nov. 23: 10:00 am PT | 11:00 am MT | 12:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm ET | 2:00 pm AT | 2:30 pm NT

Congregational Conversations: Challenges of Being a Congregational Leader (Online)
Dec. 4: 10:00 am PT | 11:00 am MT | 12:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm ET | 2:00 pm AT | 2:30 pm NT 

Congregational Conversations: Topic to be determined (Online)
Dec. 7: 10:00 am PT | 11:00 am MT | 12:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm ET | 2:00 pm AT | 2:30 pm NT

Rising Together: Unitarian Universalists of Colour (Online)
Dec. 11: 4:30 pm PT | 5:30 pm MT | 6:30 pm CT | 7:30 pm ET | 8:30 pm AT | 9:00 pm NT

Connect and Deepen (Online)
Dec. 21: 1:00 pm PT | 2:00 pm MT | 3:00 pm CT | 4:00 pm ET | 5:00 pm AT | 5:30 pm NT

Enews Prepared and Formatted by Brigitte Twomey, Website Specialist