Organizing a Sharing Our Faith Service
Every year the Canadian Unitarian Council offers worship materials to help congregations plan a Sharing Our Faith service to celebrate our faith in Canada. Many congregations organize this service in February, but it can be done at any time. All funds received by the CUC by March 31 will be used for the year’s Sharing Our Faith grants, which will be announced at the Annual General Meeting in May.
We ask that congregations take up a special offering for the CUC Sharing Our Faith Fund at the service, to support fellow UU congregations. For further information, contact the CUC office or send an email to
Preparing for Sharing Our Faith Week
- Prepare the worship service using the provided materials. It is sometimes worthwhile to reflect on how congregations across Canada are sharing the same theme for a morning.
- Consider inviting special guests to participate in the service. This could be someone from the CUC board or staff, or possibly someone from a neighbouring congregation.
- Consider creating a display emphasizing UU communities across the country or in your area. This might help congregants to think about our national UU community.
- You may also want to create a display of CUC publications to offer for sale. Contact the CUC office for more information about this at
- Remind members of the congregation that Sharing Our Faith week is coming up, by including an entry in your newsletter or order of service ahead of time.
Introducing the Service
- At the beginning of the service, mention your congregation’s history of holding a Sharing Our Faith service. Do you do it on the same day every year? (Many congregations do it on the first or second Sunday in February.)
- Announce the Sharing Our Faith special collection, to be taken instead of the normal offering. Try to announce the special collection in advance, during announcements in previous weeks, or in your newsletter.
Taking the Offering
- Mention some of the congregations and projects for which the donations have been used in previous years. If your congregation has received a grant in the past, mention that and how the money was used.
- Ensure that people know that all the money collected is then given out to Canadian congregations.
- Let people know that they can receive tax receipts from the CUC for their contributions, by including their name and amount donated with the Sharing Our Faith contribution.
- Cheques can be made out to the “Canadian Unitarian Council” with “Sharing Our Faith” in the memo line.
- Collect the cash donations and send the CUC a single cheque in that amount (do not mail cash).
Resources from previous years:
- 2024 Sharing Our Faith Offertory Words (pdf) Sharing Our Faith Video
- 2020 Sharing Our Faith Package 2020 (pdf) | Sharing Our Faith Package 2020 (Word doc)
- 2019 Water Justice (Word doc)
- 2018 Hospitality and Racial Justice (Word doc)
- 2017 Love and Justice (pdf)| Word doc
- 2016 Sharing-Our-Faith-Resources (pdf) | Word doc | Express yUUrself Flame Template
- 2014 Sharing Our Faith resource package (pdf) | Word doc
- 2013 Web of UU connections (pdf) | Word doc
- 2012 Trust the Dawning Future (pdf)
- 2011 Supporting One Another (pdf)
- 2009 Our National Identity (pdf)
- 2006 Go-4-It! (pdf)
- 2005 Getting to Know U and U (pdf)
- 2003 Our First Year on Our Own (pdf)
Information about applying for a Sharing Our Faith grant.