Edward Bevan Ratcliffe Leadership Development Subsidy

Donate to the EB Ratcliffe Leadership Development Subsidy


This subsidy’s goal is to help leaders and emerging leaders access leadership development opportunities. The CUC recognizes that encouraging leaders who serve their congregations and communities in the areas of worship, lifespan learning, governance, growth, and other areas of shared ministry to participate in these events is an important way of building capacity and serves the CUC’s mission of growing vital Unitarian communities in Canada.


Leaders who may apply for this financial support include religious educators, congregational board members, youth advisors, lay chaplains, and ministers, as well as laypeople of all ages who serve their congregations in other volunteer or paid capacities. Please see the subsidy application form for more details about the selection criteria.


This subsidy can be applied for year-round, and applicants will be chosen on a first-come, first-served basis for each event (after other criteria have been considered). Please note: subsidy applications must be received at least three weeks prior to the event to be considered..

Possible opportunities this subsidy could be applied to include:

  • The CUC Annual General Meeting (as a delegate)
  • A “learning stream” at the CUC Annual Conference and Meeting or a CUC Regional Fall Gathering
  • Goldmine Youth Leadership School
  • OWL facilitator training
  • The LREDA Fall Con
  • A UU Musician’s Network event
  • Chrysalis training
  • Lay chaplaincy training

Applications will be considered on an individual basis and the amount awarded will be based on need and circumstances.

Please contact subsidies@cuc.ca with any questions or for further information.

Apply for the EB Ratcliffe Leadership Development subsidy