Sample page layout for the Social Justice group of pages. Each page under that menu heading will follow the same AIDA format:
A = Attention, I = Interest, D = Desire, A = Action, which is the exact flow of emotions a user should feel when they land on these pages.
Main Title (Attention)
Paragraph explaining to the visitor that social justice is exactly what UUs are into, you have come to the right place
Grab their attention so that they want to read more – about 100 words + 3 Bullet points
- Point A
- Point B
- Point C
Second Title (Interest)
Paragraph explaining to the visitor what we are doing to advance that particular cause today (not yesterday)
More information with relevant statements that support the message given in the Attention paragraph – about 200 words + 3 to 6 Bullet points
- Point A
- Point B
- Point C etc.
Third Title (Desire)
Paragraph explaining to the visitor that they can take part in the social justice process and through UU they can get involved
Appeal to their personal needs and wants regarding this specific area of interest – about 200 words + 3 to 6 Bullet points
- Point A
- Point B
- Point C etc.
Fourth Title (Action)
Paragraph explaining to the visitor the various way they can get involved
Call to Action – what action we suggest the reader take – about 100 words + Bullet points
- Checking their local Congregation for programs
- UU Groups they can join
- Checking out specific Social Justice events on our Calendar
- Get in touch with our Social Justice team
Get involved in these CUC Social Justice events
General list of events that meet this particular page criteria. Not very detailed. Click on Calendar to get more details.
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Inclusivity ForumThird Tuesday monthly 9 am PT | 10 am MT | 11 am CT | 12 pm ET | 1 pm AT (1.5 hours) It’s time to bring the 8th Principle to life and transform our communities into beacons of diversity. The CUC has several tools and opportunities to empower your journey. Check the Calendar | UU IBPOC SpaceThird Saturday monthly 9 am PT | 10 am MT | 11 am CT | 12 pm ET | 1 pm AT (1.5 hours) A space for UUs who are Indigenous, Black, and People of Colour, ages 18 and up, to gather safely to share experiences, stories, and be change-makers. Meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Check the Calendar | UU Rising TogetherThird Sunday monthly 9 am PT | 10 am MT | 11 am CT | 12 pm ET | 1 pm AT (1.5 hours) Join us for Rising Together – a welcoming space especially for Black, Indigenous and other people of colour (BIPOC) Unitarian Universalist youth and emerging young adults (ages 14-24). Check the Calendar |