Unitarian Services 2024-2025

If your congregation is taking a break over the summer, you can still gather with other Unitarian Universalists (UUs) for worship. Many Canadian UU congregations plan to host services online throughout July and August–and you are welcome to join them. Most of our congregations have an option to connect online.

Check out our list of congregations, to see which might be a good one to visit this summer.

Meaning Making – Service Series

We’ve heard from many how helpful the Meaning Making in Liminal Times, sermon series was for many congregations.

Good News!  Rev. Karen Fraser Gitlitz the coordinator of last year’s program is planning another, updated series.  Registration material will be ready soon, but in the meantime, if you want information about the Roots of Resilience program, you can contact Rev. Karen Fraser Gitlitz.  Updates for 2024-25 include 8 sermons and an accompanying theme program with 8 Canadian theme ministry packages.